Hunter x Hunter Finally Resumes with Chapter 391
Hunter x Hunter manga’s new chapter is finally here, and it took so long that reading it seems almost unreal at this point.
As I’m sure many of you re-read the entire manga, you already know that the Heil-Ly and Xi-Yu families are out for each other’s throats. One can only imagine how deadly it is to have two of Kakin’s greatest mafia families go all out on each other, with Hisoka and others in the mix.
Hunter x Hunter manga’s chapter 391, titled ‘Clash: Part 2’, continues the bloodshed between Heil-Ly and Xi-Yu’s underboss Hinrigh.
After killing some Heil-Ly members and soldiers on the Black Whale, Hinrigh discovers that the members are registered as civilians. As a war between the mafia and civilians would be catastrophic, Hinrigh changes his game plan.
Hinrigh orders his subordinates Zakuro and Lynch to find Hisoka before the Phantom Troupe and sends them off. Meanwhile, he goes to a crowded place to look for the female Heil-Ly member, where he’s attacked by three of the members.

Being an experienced user with a formidable ability, Hinrigh manages to kill one of the three Heil-Ly members while the other two escape. The two Heil-Ly members decide to report to Morena as Hinrigh puts his trust to handle the situation into someone named Misha.
I think Misha, a new character, will be on Morena’s case now and assist Hinrigh. However, this might also be wrong considering how many times people with extraordinary nen abilities were killed in their introductory chapter itself.

Moreover, the case with Hisoka is as tricky as ever, and I would love to see a brawl between him and the Xi-Yu members. The mafia has been hyped a lot in this arc, and I’m curious to know if Hisoka and the Phantom Troupe are stronger than them or not.
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While the chapter was a little underwhelming for a surprise comeback, it was still well-written.
I’m sure that Togashi plans to build up the hype and drop the bomb unexpectedly.
About Hunter x Hunter
Hunter x Hunter is a Shonen anime adapted from manga of the same name.
The story follows the adventures of a young boy, Gon, discovering that his dead father wasn’t dead but was a legendary Hunter. Instead of feeling dejected, Gon decides to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a great Hunter himself.
The job of a Hunter isn’t an easy one, and Gon needs to pass an exam to become an official hunter. He makes friends on this journey, and they all must help each other overcome any obstacles.
Source: Hunter x Hunter Chapter 391
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