JuJutsu Kaisen: What makes it Captivating?

Jujutsu Kaisen being the most popular anime of fall 2020, is not being hyped worthlessly but is actually revolutionizing the modern-day Shonen anime. While being simultaneously on #1 for several weeks, what actually makes it so great? Let’s take a look :

Fluid animation 

Most of the  Shonen anime starts great with a stronghold but gets fussy in middle. But even after the completion of the first part of the story, the animation of Jujutsu Kaisen maintains the same fluency and fluidity as the start. MAPPA being in charge is delivering an outstanding character design that captivates the viewers for sure!


The balance between light-hearted tones and darkness of the story

While using horror and action as a genre, Jujutsu Kaisen also delivers goofy scenes that perfectly balance out the dark aura of the anime. The crack head duo of Gojou and Itadori as a student -sensei never fails to give viewers a good laugh.


Outstanding fight scenes

Shonen anime is recognized for its fight scenes and hands down Jujutsu Kaisen is delivering some of the top fight scenes with so much ease. Not only a few but so many fight scenes and that too with great effortlessness.


Strong Mentors

The plot of this anime cannot be completed if we don’t mention the powerful and skilled mentors here. Gojou Satoru of Tokyo Jujutsu Tech, the most powerful sensei and handling a team with the main protagonist itself. Head Principals of both the Jujutsu Tech schools and the faculty members serve as strong mentors to the students.


The modern outlook of the anime makes it more interesting to watch. The mix of every emotion engages it with 21st-century life. All in all, Jujutsu Kaisen is serving the viewers a good amount of everything they need in a Shonen anime.