Kaguya-Sama Love Is War Chapter 277: Ishigami Fights Miko! Release Date & Plot

One of the chapters that fans are most excited to read this week is Kaguya-Sama Love Is War Chapter 277. In the last one, Ai Hayasaka showed up for the last time. Like each one of the characters, she was also concerned about her higher education. But after seeing that each one of her friends was struggling through ups and downs, she came to the realization that this was all just a part of life. And the author also told us that Hayasaka’s story will come to a close. Here is all you need to know about the chapter.

In the following chapter, fans will come to know more about Miko Iino and Ishigami’s relationship. Fans are sure that there is a conflict coming up the way. Will they be able to solve it? Only time will give away the answers.

Kaguya-Sama Love Is War Chapter 277

Kaguya-Sama Love Is War Chapter 277: What Will Happen Next?

Once again, the title and plot details of the next chapter have not come out. But fans are sure that the next chapter will also bring a conclusion to another character. It was seen in the last one that Hayasaka was interested in what Miko Iino was doing. They come to know that Iino had been drinking a lot these days. However, this was only a phase and she would get back to her studies soon enough. Now, Kaguya-Sama Love Is War Chapter 277 will show what she has been doing these days.

Her relationship with Ishigami is yet to be discussed in the chapter. The current situation between the two is not known. It may be possible that Ishigami does not approve of what she has been doing. Will there be a fight between them? Only the next chapter will tell us.

Kaguya-Sama Love Is War Chapter 277

Previous Chapter Recap!

The title of Kaguya-Sama Love Is War Chapter 276 was “Ai Hayasaka’s Final Chapter.” The chapter started with Ai meeting her friends at a lunch meeting. During the meeting, they discussed where she was going to go on a long vacation. But she then said that she should stop all the errands and settle down with a job. Even Kaguya had started her career in photography.

One after the other, she started telling that each one of her friends was doing something with her life. When the name of Iino-can came up, she told him that she was probably enjoying most of her life. From drinking to partying all over. The chapter came to an end with Ai Hayasaki realizing that her time would come soon enough.

Kaguya-Sama Love Is War Chapter 277

Kaguya-Sama Love Is War Chapter 277: Release Date

The final release date of the next chapter has been released in the public domain. In a matter of weeks, the ending of the manga would be announced. So, the final release date of Kaguya-Sama Love Is War Chapter 277 is September 29, 2022. Fans will be able to catch all the chapters of the manga only on the official pages of Kodansha. At last, keep an eye on The Anime Daily to get all the updates on this right here.