Kaiju No 8 Chapter 53: Imprisoning Kaiju No 9! Release Date
Kaiju No 8 Chapter 53 is only two days away from revealing the fate of the director-general. In the story so far, Captain Narumi saved the day for everyone as was expected. However, to his surprise, Number Nine had plans of his own. After commencing a fusion with the Director, he was feeling a sense of rejection within himself. While the chapter did not clarify the nature of this resistance, it did unroll that Nine was not defending on the move anymore. So, what will happen next? Is the Director coming back? Here is everything to know about the outing.
In the next chapter, readers will find out if Kikoru’s father is going to come back after the fusion. This is hard to decipher because the theory of fusions is yet unknown. Thus, it is likely that Narumi will imprison Kaiju No 9 and inquire him about the process of diffusion. Fans are thrilled to find out what is lined up for the next.

Kaiju No 8 Chapter 53: Plot Details!
The upcoming chapter of Kaiju No 8 will continue with the same fight. While Nine was all set to take his leave from the fight. He had mentioned that he was feeling a sense of rejection within himself. This was a result of his fusion with the Director. However, Narumi did not let his plans succeed. This also means that Nine’s body would be rejecting any kind of defense towards Eight’s attacks.
In Kaiju No 8 Chapter 53, it is most likely that Nine is going to lose in this fight. However, the bigger concern for Narumi would be extracting the Director out of this monster. On top of this, the collateral damage that has come with this fight will also be a major concern. Thus, fans can expect to see many storylines play out at the same time.

Previous Chapter Recap!
The 52nd episode of Kaiju No 8 opened with the arrival of Captain Narumi on the battlefield. A two-panel flashback sequence played out, which showcased the Director instructing Narumi about forming the strongest unit. Cut back to the present, Narumi realized that the man standing at the helm was not the Director. As the face was revealed, it turned out that Number Nine had killed the chief and fused his body inside him. Thus, another round of the fight began.
As Narumi readied himself for a fight, Kikoru also came flying. Nine mocked her by asking her about the Director. Just then, Narumi came flying in with a huge rod. With the most fantastic Troop Style Bayonet Technique First-Form attack, Eight injured his opponent. However, Nine released a pair of wings from his body and took his leave. Eight did not want to let him go without giving the Director back. The chapter ended with Narumi succeeding in stopping Nine from leaving.

Kaiju No 8 Chapter 53: Release Date
Viz has already updated the schedule for the timely release of the 52nd chapter. Fans will be able to access all the chapters of this fabulous story only on the official platforms of Shonen and Viz. So, Kaiju No 8 Chapter 53 will be available on December 17, 2021. As Kaiju No 9 continues to spread his wrath, how will eight and the Director recuperate?