Kengan Ashura Season 3: Renewed For 2022? Production Updates & More
Kengan Ashura Season 3 has left fans hanging for almost two years now. Viewers last saw of the anime was in October 2019. Since then, the makers have had their lips tied about the renewal. Both Netflix and Larx Entertainment have stayed away from speaking about the future of the series. In October this month, a piece of certain news was leaked by an on-set actor of the series. Since then, the buzz has retained. So, what are the chances of a return? Is Kengan Ashura Season 3 happening? Here is everything about the new series.
Kengan Ashura commenced in the year 2012 as a martial arts manga series. Written by Yabaki Sandrovich, the series was illustrated by artist Daromeon. For six years, Comikey continued to publish the twenty-eight volumes of the manga. In July 2019, the first anime episode of the series came out. It was animated by Studio Larx Entertainment. Within three months, the second season also launched on Netflix. Now, the fans are looking forward to the third installment with high hopes.

Kengan Ashura Season 3: Renewal Status!
At the time of writing, Kengan Ashura Season 3 has not been renewed by the makers. Neither Netflix, now Studios Larx Entertainment has given any public statement about the series. Nevertheless, fans of the series are pretty relaxed about the announcement. This is because the renewal has next to no hindrances in the process. From ratings to viewership, the first two seasons of the anime has excelled on all scale.
The anime is rated 8 out of 10 by fans on IMDb. Moreover, the MyAnimeList rating of the series is as high as 7.45 stars. On top of this, most of its episodes cross the 7-star rating by viewers. This suggests that the third season only faces time hindrances in the release. Within a short amount of time, the season might see an official announcement.

Kengan Ashura Season 3: Production Updates!
The case of the production updates of Kengan Ashura Season 3 is quite peculiar. This is because of the secretive nature of the project. In October 2021, a YouTube content creator named Youtuber Shrift released a podcast interview with one of the voice actors of the Kengan Ashura series. While the actor chose to remain anonymous, he did give away a huge piece of information. The actor revealed that the third season of the series is already in production.
While the dependability of this source remains uncertain, the Youtuber did confirm that his podcast was authentic. For the time being, there is no way for fans to find out if the news was, in fact, true. Even if the source turns out to be false, there are high chances that the series might be nearing production. Fans can expect to hear an official word in a span of a few months.
Previous Season Recap!
The world of Kengan Ashura is built around the lives of Kengan fighters who compete in the Kengan matches. The story begins when an old man is called to manage a fighter named Tokita Ohma. The manager soon learns that the Kengan matches were held in order to manage the business rights of varying corporate organizations. As the first season delves into the introductions, set-ups, and preliminary matches, the next one heats up the stage.
The second season kicks off from the point where the first season ended. The Life Or Death Kengan Tournament is about to begin, and Tokita and Yamashita are all set to enter the stage. The second season continued with a series of matches, one after the other. What was fresh in the sequel was the variance in the fighting styles of the players. Even Tokita Ohma’s demeanor saw a wide change in this installment.
Also Read: Kengan Ashura Season 3 Under Production! Cast Member Leaks Script
Towards the end of the season, it becomes clear that the final goal is to climb up the ladder to fight with the President of the Kengan Association. In the final match, Tokita Ohma changed the entire course of the series by naming the mysterious murderer to be Raian. This cliffhanger was the ending point of the second season.

Kengan Ashura Season 3: What To Expect Next?
The next season Kengan Ashura will pick up the plot from the unmasking of the murderer. The second season covered the plot from Chapter 74 to Chapter 137 of the manga. However, after all the inconsistencies in the first two seasons, the market of speculation is on the rise. Many Reddit discussions point out that the third season might not even follow up on the same story. It is believed that Kengan Ashura Season 3 will be renamed Kengan Omega. Thus, it will follow the story of two new characters fighting for other organizations.
Even though this theory has a strong fan-backing, the chances of such a wide change are less. Either way, if Kengan Omega is coming out, it will be re-branded as a sequel series. A spin-off might also be of the same nature. But the third season will most probably catch up with a similar plot.

Is There Enough Source Material?
The original source material by author Yabako Sandrovich contains a total of 28 manga volumes. This completes 236 chapters in total. The first two anime seasons ended up using the 136 chapters from the text. This covered the first seventeen volumes. Now, the manga has around eleven more volumes for the third season. As the slow pacing of the second season is established, it can be assumed that the third season will also slow down the story.
In fact, it is being speculated that Kengan Ashura Season 3 might only use half of the remaining source material. This means that there will be plenty of source material still left for the fourth season. But this one might be the final season in the installment. Moreover, if the third installment had been its last, the fans would know about the finale beforehand. Thus, it is safe to say that Season 3 is the penultimate season of the anime franchise.

Kengan Ashura Season 3: Release Details
As of the last update, there is no official release date for Kengan Ashura Season 3 in the public domain. However, fans are assured that the third season is already in production. Moreover, a typical Netflix release is only announced two to three months prior to the premiere.
Thus, it can be assumed that the product might be in the final stages of completion. However, speculations suggest that the third season might be ready with a ready window by Summer 2022. This section will be updated as soon as more news comes in. Thus, stay tuned with The Anime Daily to get more updates.