Kingdom Chapter 660 Raw Scans, English Spoilers Release Date

The war just up and ended! You can’t believe it; we can’t believe it. Hell, even half the characters fighting in the war can believe it. In one fell swoop, Tou ended the battle of Juuko – the upcoming Kingdom chapter 660 might answer us why things happened so conveniently. There is more than what meets the eye!

Yasuhisa Hara’s Kingdom manga has shown us insane amounts of warfare. Perhaps that has finally caught up with the people and made them realize how great a manga Kingdom is.

This year, Kingdom has had insane sales and belongs to Oricon’s list of the bestselling manga of 2020. We believe the anime’s third season has a significant contribution to this.

Kingdom Chapter 660 Spoilers

With Juuko arc ending in the next couple of chapters, we are going to move on to an arc featuring Shin. It will be so great to be with Shin again but as of now, Juuko feels unsatisfactory.

In Kingdom 660, Hara will include some elements that will make this Juuko arc a fantastic buildup for something greater in the future. The kingdom anime will return soon as well, hopefully in 2021 the same time as Kengan Ashura Season 3.

Kingdom Chapter 660 Raw Scans Release Date

There is a break next week. Kingdom 660 Raw Scans will be released in the next to next issue of Shueisha’s Weekly Young Jump. The date of release is November 9, 2020.

As there is no official English release of the series, Kingdom manga 660 will have fan translations. The French Scans will be available before the English ones. The English raw scan version will be out by November 12, 2020.

Attack On Titan Chapter 134 and Dragon Ball Super Chapter 66 will also be releasing soon so make sure to check them out while you wait for the Kingdom chapter to get released.

Read Kingdom 660 English Spoilers

The spoilers have finally been published and its a sad one for sure. Chapter 660 of Kingdom manga is all about ManU and how he came to fight for Chu when he was an enemy earlier.

The spoilers show the story of ManU before he joined Chu and how he and Sento Un both are hurt and still working for Chu.

Here are the full spoilers from Kingdom subreddit.


Kingdom Manga 660 Predictions & Discussion:

A story arc without the main protagonist will never be as important as one with the protagonist. We never expected Juuko to be amongst the more significant arcs. But we did want it to be more dramatic.

Despite very strong moments, Juuko arc ended in a questionable manner. We believe Kingdom 660 spoilers will make it out to be a setup arc – just a calm before the real storm arrives.

This chapter has shown us that Gohoumei is truly splendid. Not only did he spearhead this whole war, he also saw to the Castle. First, this move of his completely secures this war – it’s a total victory.

Second, he isn’t gambling; Gohoumei is not waiting for Qin to hand over the castle of Juuko. He took it himself and ensured that Qin stays true to their promise.

Why did Chu lose the War?

Last time, we said that even if the HQ falls, Juuko can battle on. Due to the existence of several capable Generals, we knew that the Juuko war would continue – the fall of Juko’ou won’t be enough. And we weren’t wrong. The proof is this; even Hara is showing that the war could have continued:

Kingdom Manga 660

Nevertheless, Juuko retreated. We believe this has something to with what Juko’ou is going to explain in Kingdom 660. Man’U is definitely interested in Moubu and they are bound to clash in the future. But Man’U wants Moubu to grow stronger. Using this ‘burden’ they speak of, their battle will have another dimension to it.

We can hope that next time, Shin will be close by to witness this – he can learn a lot from these two Generals. Man’U, Sento’Un, Gen’U – they’ve all retreated and chose to wait for their opponents to mature further.

These war-hungry men want to experience the best of what their foes can offer. However, we have yet to see how Man’U will react when he sees that Juuko has been stolen from them.

Why did the War end so early and unexpectedly?

We all know that Juko’Ou is not the prime leader of the Juuko army; Man’U is. But without question, Man’U, Gen’U and Sento’Un chose to retreat. This was an unexpected move – Gen’U had equal numbers and he could push on.

Sento’Un had just met an interesting opponent. Man’U was busy fighting Moubu. They left these opportunities and retreated. Even Generals like Hakurei and KouYoku had trouble understanding this move. And that is why the war ended so unexpectedly.

Kingdom Manga 660 raw scans will probably give us an explanation. It is unlikely that Juko’Ou is the glue that holds the other 3 together.

It is unlikely that we just discovered a weakness of Man’U – they’re too hard to buy right now. We believe, these men value the protection of Juuko castle over all else.

What is Juko’Ou going to reveal?

The main reason Kingdom Chapter 660 is so lucrative is because of this. This single explanation from Juko’ou can make this arc so much greater. And that is why the break next week feels so heavy. Going forward, we will see some sort of backstory narration, or tactic reveal that can greatly hype us up for the future.

We do not know what Juko’Ou will reveal. But we do know that it has immense importance. Even Tou and Gohoumei have failed to completely make sense of the Juuko army – its bizarre nature has left them with questions; us too. the upcoming Kingdom chapter will reveal all of these to us.

We will update this chapter once we have more information on the Kingdom manga 660 spoilers and English raw release. So stay tuned and don’t forget to check our article on upcoming Solo Leveling 126 and Black Clover 271 as they will be released very soon.