Kingdom Chapter 716: Pure Chaos For Qin In Gian? Release Date

There is still time until the raw scans of Kingdom Chapter 716 will release this week. But from the story so far, fans could assume that things are not going well for the Qin army. For the last ten chapters, the story had been building towards this point. And so, the Qin army knows that they have stepped into a trap. Ever since they crossed Atsuyo, Riboku knew that their next stop was going to be Gian. Thus, he prepared the land for the final battle. So, will Sei and Shin come up with a defense strategy? Here is all you need to know about the latest chapter.

In the next chapter, Riboku will unleash the second part of his strategy. Getting Qin into the Gian land is not the only plan. Releasing attacks in several phases is what the man plans to do. So now, it will be interesting to see how both sides operate under such circumstances.

Kingdom Chapter 716

Kingdom Chapter 716: What Will Happen Next?

By the final panel of the previous chapter, it was evident to each and every general of the Qin army that they had stepped into a trap. This is the point where they are going to embrace the mistake and make plans to come out of it. The more shocking news in the war is going to be the fact that Kanki had left them mid-way. The King is not going to like the fact that a huge chunk of their army will leave them stranded. Thus, with a limited number of men, the only way to win this war is by escaping Gian.

But since they have been closed in from all sides, the chances of coming out are less. Thus, Qin’s men will have to come up with a way to fight inside the limited regions. Only a brilliant war strategy can get them the win they are looking for. Kingdom Chapter 716 will focus on long war-room conversations between Qin and his generals.

Kingdom Chapter 716

Previous Chapter Recap!

The 715th chapter of Kingdom only takes a look at two sides of the war. Beginning at Zhao, the chapter considers Riboku’s take on the incoming army. His men informed him that all the troops were out in the field. On ground zero, Bafuuji calls Bananji and wished him luck for the battle. The General from Gian said the Riboku was the only true ruler of the North. After what he had done year after year, he deserved to be the man who ruled this land. On the other side in Qin, the armies are still in shock.

All the men finally understood that they were dragged into a secluded land only to get outnumbered by the enemy. Mouten claimed that there was only one man who was capable of pulling off this plan. He was pointing towards Riboku. He also understood that the place was ready for battle. Towards the end of the chapter, Ten gets the report that the right side of their army was in trouble. It turned out that even though the Zhao army was less in number, their strength was certainly more than theirs.

Kingdom Chapter 716

Kingdom Chapter 716: Release Date

There is a lot of time until the war between the North and the West comes to an endgame. For now, the battle at Gian will see the ultimate end to one of the armies. So, Kingdom Chapter 716 will come out on April 11, 2022.