Kingdom Chapter 719: Clashing The Right Front! Release Date & Plot
The Kingdom manga is steadily paving the way toward a brilliant war sequence in the future. With Kingdom Chapter 719 lined up with a release, fans hope to see how Riboku reacts to the entire change of plans. He had not been expecting Saiki’s arrival by Shin’s side. And suddenly, the Qin Army is outnumbering the other side by a huge margin. Now, the following chapter will take a look at how the clash between the two fronts goes. Here is everything you need to know about the newest episode of the manga.
In the next chapter, Shin will continue to charge his men with words of motivation. His plan was to weaken the left front of the Zhao army. But right now, the left side is under attack. It will be interesting to see how Qin gets to win their side of the match.

Kingdom Chapter 719: What Will Happen Next?
Saika’s arrival in the army was a big sigh of relief for Shin. Even when they were trapped in the Gi’an front, he had faith that they were going to win the battle. Riboku has been an expert in the war strategy for years now. Thus, he has plans for all permutations. But what he must not be expecting was the arrival of the Saika army in the right front of the battle.
By the end of the chapter, the clash had finally begun between the Right side of Zhao and the Northeastern front of Qin. Kingdom Chapter 719 will take a look at the developments in this war. Since Shin got to play his game in this outing, Riboku will also throw the dice on the other side of the battle. Fans are already excited to see what happens when Kanki decides to step in and act.

Previous Chapter Recap!
The 718th chapter of Kingdom started with the reaction panels of everyone involved in the war. As soon as Shin crossed to the left side of the arrangement, Riboku decided that he was going to attack Kanki in the middle. But he also knew that Kanki was smart enough to deal with the danger all by himself. Mouten was shocked to see that Shin’s main aim was to win the war rather than to save as many lives as he could.
Shin explained his strategy to the troops. And so, the Gakuka army, the men of Hinshin, and the Naki army joined hands with one another. Afterward, the clash opened between the Qin Northeastern army and the right front of the Zhao. The chapter ended with Shin getting surprised by the arrival of the Saika flank in their troop.

Kingdom Chapter 719: Release Date
This week, both the manga and anime of Kingdom will grab all the attention of the fans. This might not leave enough room for other shows to shine. So now, Kingdom Chapter 719 will release on May 1, 2022. Fans will be able to read all the chapters of the manga only on the official spaces created by Kodansha. In case there is a delay in the release, we will be sure to update this section accordingly. Thus, stay in touch with The Anime Daily to get more intel on the same.