Is Kanki really the King of Darkness? The man with an immense amount of rage pointed at the world. Fans are very excited about Kingdom Chapter 736, which will come after the break.
Will Kanki’s cunning manage to break through Riboku’s genius tactics? We will find out.
There is a flaw in Kanki’s rage. The people in the middle have a flaw and that is, they are not united. Yes, they may hate those at the top, but they still need someone to bring them together. Without unity, they fall prey to the powers of the top.
Those on top have some sort of hold – like jobs or money. And the middlemen are unable to repel this hold. And even if they unite under a leader, that leader himself becomes a top-level person. And thus, the revolt doesn’t work out the way we think it would.

The Saki have told us so much about Kanki and his past. We still do not understand the man completely, but he has two things – an undeniable charisma and big plans. That’s what led him to become too influential. Kanki will reach Gian in Kingdom manga 736.
Kingdom 736 Chapter Release Date
We have a break in front of us. That is because Hara sensei is sick again. Something is wrong with his eyes and we are really hoping it won’t be serious. Just so you know, if something serious does happen, it will be a wrap for this incredible series.
On 24th October, the raw scans of Kingdom 736 will be released in this month’s second last issue of Weekly Young Jump. From here, the raws will be leaked out.
In case you want official English translations, you are out of luck. Kingdom does not get those and at this point, it is too late for Shueisha to begin. Hence, most international fans gravitate towards the fan versions.
Kingdom fan translations may be irregular but a lot of people look forward to those. Before the end of the month, Kingdom chapter 736 English translations will be out, we are hoping. Right now, translation for this series is a big problem.
Lookism Chapter 418 and Eleceed Chapter 216 are also getting published this week, do read them when out.
Kingdom Manga 736 Theories
Things may be turning around. Kanki somehow predicted that Gian castle will fall. And now, he had led his army to the castle. Kingdom manga 736 might show what his next order is. Qin has been severely weakened by the enemy and at this point, they need to proceed very smartly, if they plan to win this war.
What happened in Noble’s estate?
Kanki and the Saki clan raided Noble’s estate – this is the same noble who had disfigured Cho’s face. There is way too much to loot! Meanwhile, Kanki finds the room of the noble and then ties him to the bed.
The man wakes up in this situation and then, Kanki starts to burn his face. After all, this is what the noble had done to others.
Shio protests saying they came to pillage and torturing the noble is meaningless. However, Kanki says that he came to punish this man. He says that often there to no meaning to people’s actions.
They have members who have been tortured and raped and endured other horrible things. There is no need for meaning when dealing with Inhumans like this noble.
While Cho has ended his story, for now, we look forward to knowing more about Kingdom 736.
What is Kanki’s rage?
Kanki says that the world has 3 classes of people. The ones at the top, the ones at the bottom, and the ones in the middle. The middlemen make up the bulk of the population.
He points out, that rage must be pointed to the class above. Even now Kanki holds immense rage. Kingdom Chapter 736 might show Shin confronting him about it.
The people at the bottom should direct their anger to the middle ones because they do not unite and do something. It is due to the middlemen’s lack of action that leads to the world being so rotten.
This means they should point their rage at the ones on top and take them out. Essentially, Kanki’s rage is directed at the whole world!
What is going on in the Hi Shin Unit?
Kanki is headed to Gian castle with his troops. Shin worried for a moment that Zhao have sent reinforcements, but that is not the case here. Apparently, Kanki had already predicted this outcome. Even now, the man is chuckling casually.
Naki also finds out that the woman named Shio apparently died years ago. The leader of the Saki says that big changes are about to occur in this battle. Kingdom 736 will show us how things can be changed for the better.
Kingdom 736 Spoilers
Since a break is coming up, the spoilers will be delayed of course. On 24th October 2022, the spoilers of the new Kingdom 736 will be out. We will confirm them by cross-checking with the raws that get leaked.
Until then, please be a little patient. We are doing our best to get these to you. So stay tuned with Orianime for the latest Kingdom manga news.