Kingdom Season 3’s New PV Introduces Us to the Warlords of Qin
It has been quite a while since the Kingdom anime discontinued the airing of Season 3, and fans are getting pretty impatient to get back to the blood-stained pages of Chinese history.
Thankfully, the year-long wait has finally come to an end, and Season 3 will start airing again on April 4, 2021.
But considering that fans may find it difficult to put up with the anime after so long, the franchise decided to restart Season 3 from Episode 1 to refresh our memories.
On Wednesday, the official website for the Kingdom anime revealed a new promo video to remind fans of the return of Kingdom Season 3.
TV anime “#Kingdom.”
Broadcasting will finally start next weekend!
The character war PV that introduces the warlords of Qin vs. the combined army is released!
Twitter Translation, English Translate
The video highlights the leaders and main characters, showing us how they shine on the battlefield. It serves as the perfect introduction to characters who will play essential roles in the upcoming battles.
Just a few weeks back, the franchise announced the cast members of two newly introduced characters. The other cast members will be reprising their roles.
Kingdom Anime Season 3 Coming Back With 2 New Cast Members: Returns April 2021
Japanese idol group BiSH is performing the anime’s opening theme “TOMORROW,” and waterweed is performing the anime’s ending theme song “Deep inside.”
The last episode marked the beginning of the war between the Fei Xin and Qin forces. Xin planned on leading the troops into the rear and charged right into 10,000 soldiers.

Episode 5 will most likely continue with the Alliance Arc, where the soldiers will have to breach the impenetrable Hangu Pass and start Qin’s Downfall.
The franchise has taken a considerable amount of time to recover from the COVID 19 pandemic, and so the expectations are already pretty high.
Now that I have got a glimpse of these veteran fighters from the PV, I can’t wait to see them charging with their battalion and leading their side to victory.
About Kingdom
Kingdom is a Japanese seinen manga series written and illustrated by Yasuhisa Hara.
The manga provides a fictionalised account of the Warring States period primarily through the experiences of the war orphan Xin and his comrades.
In the story, Xin fights to become the most significant general under the heavens, and in doing so, unifying China for the first time in history.
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