Kingdom Season 4 Episode 4: Chengji Assaults Tunliu! Release Date
The most recent episode of Kingdom turned around the events of the War. The Chengjiao army betrayed the troops of Zhao at the last minute. In the middle of a war, the troops that were meant to come did not reach there on time. So now, Chengji is being called to the city of Tunliu to answer some questions. But it is beginning to look like he does not have the plans to sit and have a conversation. Here is everything that you need to know about Kingdom Season 4 Episode 4.
In the following episode of Kingdom, Chengji will take full force under his command to Tunliu. Fans cannot help but wonder how this war is going to affect the Zhao army in the war against Qin.

Kingdom Season 4 Episode 4: What Will Happen Next?
The title of the fourth episode of Kingdom is “Assault on Tunliu.” As evident from the title of the episode, Chengji is on his way to the city of Tunliu to meet with the lords there. Part of the reason is that he had decided not to stand by the side of Zhao when the army needed reinforcement. Thus, Tunliu wants answers on the matter. Kingdom Season 4 Episode 4 will open with Chengji taking his troops to the city.
But from the title, it looks like Chengji has no plans to sit and have a chatter. Instead, he is willing to take all his forces along. This only points to one speculation that is winning all spaces with war. So, the next episode will surely begin with a battle with the same force as Zhao.

Previous Episode Recap!
In the third episode of Kingdom Season 4, titled “The Punitive Force Moves Out,” the heat between the North and the South was growing. Xianyang came to know that the Chengjiao army had rebelled against them. This force was supposed to reach the Zhao army and subdue it. But the forces had rebelled, and they were nowhere to be seen now. In response, Lu Buwei mentioned that they would be dispatching another army before things could slip out of their hands.
He knew that the Chengjiao army was popular in the northeastern region. Thus, getting into conflicts with them would not be the best for their interest. However, the lords in Tunliu wanted to know what Chengji was actually planning. Thus, he gave the order to bring him to court. By the end of the episode, these lords readied their men to get to Tunliu. Both the aviation corps and the other armies were on their way to reach Chengji.

Kingdom Season 4 Episode 4: Release Date
As evident from the title, the next episode will take a look at the Assault on Tunliu. This might be the first step toward a raging war that is about to commence in the story. So, Kingdom Season 4 Episode 4 will release this week on April 30, 2022. Fans will be able to watch all the episodes of the anime only on the official pages of Funimation. Thus, for more timely updates on forthcoming chapters, stay in touch with The Anime Daily.