Made In Abyss Season 2 Episode 7: Nanachi Is Dead? Release Date
Riko did her best to rescue Nanachi in the previous episode, and he finally traded a piece of Faputa for Nanachi’s freedom. Now that Nanachi is free, a fraction of Riko’s problem is solved. But Majikaja and Moogie are still suspicious of Vueko, and Wazukyan looks terrified of Reg’s power. Despite this, saving Nanachi won’t be easy in Made In Abyss Season 2 Episode 7. Let’s see what next step Riko will take.
In the seventh episode, Riyo seeks Vueko’s help to save Nanachi’s life. She will tell Riyo that they should go in search of holy water as it’s the only hope left to save Nanachi. They will encounter a stranger who will offer them something to cure Nanachi. But things will turn challenging after then.

Made In Abyss Season 2 Episode 7: What Will Happen Next?
The seventh episode is titled “The Cradle Of Desire,” which hints that Riko will learn a new lesson. Well, she saved Nanachi in the previous episode. But her condition isn’t good at all. So she and Reg will search for a cure to get back her consciousness. They will try to learn about the mystery behind the Hollow village and ask Vueko for her help. She will guide them to find holy water to save Nanachi. Their quest will come to an end, and they will find miraculous water but will be worried about whether they should use it.
Soon a man will show up and give them an egg to save Nanachi’s life. Riko will use it and give it to Nanachi to hold close to her chest. Shortly after, the egg will replace Nanachi’s heart, and she will wake up. She will seem healthier than before. But soon, things will turn upside down. Her body will slowly start melting. First, her hand will melt down, then her entire body, including her face. Shockingly, some creatures will start coming out of her heart, leaving her in a vulnerable state.

A Quick Recap!
Previously in Made In Abyss Season 2 Episode 6, Riko prepared herself for trade, but Majikaja and Maaa stopped Riko. So Riko worked on another way to rescue Nanachi. But once again stopped by a monster who entered the village and started attacking the Hollows. Vueko explained that it was actually a part of their ritual named Luring, where they weren’t allowed to go hunting but instead hoax monsters there only. As the battle started, Riko revived her White Whistle. Meanwhile, everything turned against the villagers. Moogie, the restaurant owner, warned Riko to stay away.
But instead of hearing her, Riko observed the monster and prepared a trap for him. Meanwhile, the monster continued his attack and hit Maaa. So Riko used Prushka’s spirit to blow the White Whistle. That summoned Reg, and he defeated the monster. Later Wazukyan congratulated Reg and Riko and told her that she had now got a piece of Faputa that could help her to trade for Nanachi’s freedom. At the inn, Majikaja and Moogie were suspicious about Vueko, but Vueko revealed that she was one of the Three Sages and decided to narrate her story to Reg and Riko.

Made in Abyss Season 2 Episode 7: Release Date
Made in Abyss Season 2 Episode 7, titled “The Cradle Of Desire,” will air on August 17, 2022, at 1.30 pm CDT. You can also stream it on HIDIVE and Crunchyroll. The following episode will focus on Nanachi. Riyo will try her best to save Nanachi’s life, but things won’t go as planned. Stay tuned. The Anime Daily will keep you updated.