Madhouse Reveals its Alluring Spring 2023 Movie ‘Kin no Kuni Mizu no Kuni’
Kin no Kuni Mizu no Kuni has a captivating storyline about two warring states and their bizarre effort at maintaining peace. Comedy, fantasy, and romance beautifully blend into the series, making it a perfect material for an anime film.
Now you might think it is just another Romeo and Juliet cliche, but hold your horses because it has much more to offer than just romance. Now that the series is receiving a new adaptation, its wonderful features will be highlighted even more.
The Kin no Kuni Mizu no Kuni manga will receive an anime movie adaptation in spring 2023. Studio Madhouse is in charge of the animation production. The studio has previously animated Perfect Blue, Summer Wars, Tokyo Godfathers, and other acclaimed movies.
Fumi Tsubota, the series compositor of Waccha PriMagi!, is directing the upcoming project.
You should also check out the latest teaser visual of the movie, which shows Sara from Land A and Naranbayal from Land B.

Land A has trade relations and a thriving economy, while Land B has plenty of natural resources. Both countries get into petty fights, and the rulers are childish, lacking in many aspects.
The conflict was so irrational that a deity announced the most beautiful girl from Land A had to marry the smartest man from Land B. (Don’t ask me how that’ll solve the problem.)

Both rulers didn’t uphold their share of responsibilities, but the chosen man and woman somehow find each other in a fated turn of events. Now it is upon these youngsters to mend the gap between their countries.
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Can Sara and Naranbayal change the way their irrational countries act? I hope Madhouse can bring its story to life just like its previous projects
About Kin no Kuni Mizu no Kuni
Kin no Kuni Mizu no Kuni is a shoujo manga by Nao Iwamoto. It was first published in the Flowers magazine by Shogakukan in October 2014. It will also receive an anime film by Studio Madhouse.
The manga is based on the conflict between two countries: Land A and B. God commanded Land A to send their most beautiful woman, and Land B to send their smartest man so they could get married. The tale narrates how the duo will try to bring their nations closer.
Source: Official Twitter
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