Mangamo App Goes Worldwide For iOS, Android Soon to Follow

Manga readers are constantly looking for the perfect app that publishes their favorite manga without delay.

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There are various different apps out there made for the sole purpose of manga reading but none of them update the chapters on time. This is where Mangamo comes to the rescue.

Mangamo is a manga reading app specially designed for iOS platform users.

The app just announced that it will be available worldwide except in Japan, China and Korea. The users will be able to access thousands of licensed manga, ad-free.

The app was launched by Founder Buddy Marini on April 15th for iOS users in the U.S.A and Canada.

In Anime Expo Lite online event held on July 3rd, Mangamo announced its plan for an Android version of the app and promised worldwide coverage.

Users get a 30 day free trial at first and can later avail a full subscription for US$4.99/month.

Mangamo App Goes Worldwide For iOS
Manga Titles Visual | Source: Official Website

The visual shows some of the most popular manga titles available in the app right now.

The app includes English translated manga titles such as “Attack on Titan”, “Loving Yamada at Level 999!”, “Arte”, “Japan Sinks 2020”, “Reset Game”, and “Daily Meteor Strike”.

Attack on Titan chapter 134 Updates and Predictions

The app updates each manga title on a daily basis and users can read them from left to right vertical scrolling or as customized by them.

Company executives from big names like HULU, Crunchyroll, Netflix, VIZ joined hands together to create the Mangamo App.

Mangamo currently has signed a partnership with publishing companies like Kodansha, Comicsmart, TOPPAN, North Star Pictures and others for a total of over 20 companies to provide their users with legit, licensed and perfectly translated manga.

The worldwide availability and soon to be an Android app will make Mangamo one of the best apps for manga reading.

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