Mappa Finally Responds to Horrendous Wage Practices Exposed by Ex-Animator!

It’s no secret that MAPPA Studio makes some amazing anime. With shows like Jujutsu Kaisen and Attack on Titan under their belt, the studio has become one of the best in recent years. But it seems like that quality comes at a cost, which fans are not too pleased about.

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Recently an animation director from the studio had come forward exposing Mappa’s recent wage policies for a project with Netflix. He had explained that the animators were paid the lowest wage rates for the project, despite the media giant’s involvement. 

Mappa Finally Responds to Horrendous Wage Practices Exposed By Ex-Animator!
Jujutsu Kaisen | Source: Fandom

Now Mappa has come out to give their stance on the issue.

MAPPA Studio released a statement on their official website regarding the information leakage regarding the studio’s wage policies.

<About information leakage on SNS in our unpublished works>

 The other day, it was discovered on SNS that inside information in our unpublished work was leaked in a misleading manner. …

→ See below for the full text.

English Translation, Twitter Translate

In this statement, Mappa points out how they never pressure any member of the production team to forcefully work at unfair rates. They have also revealed how the leaked details were not about a project with a major platform.

The studio has decided to justify the horrendous practices taking place in the studio and admitted to the leaked wages quoted by the ex-employee. They have also directed any attention away from Netflix in order to retain their collaborative relationship.

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It is weird to know how less the animators are paid considering the big titles produced by the studio lately. After the release of the statement, several people have commented on the work policies in the industry.

It doesn’t matter whether MAPPA sets the unit price to 3800 yen, 1000 yen, or 100 yen. Freelancers just have to get the job. The problem isn’t there.

English Translation, Twiter Translate

It is worthwhile to point out that this kind of problem resides within the industry as a whole and not just MAPPA. The studio had split from Madhouse to avoid the same problems, which is almost funny now.

A major part of this problem lies in taking more projects than the studio can manage. This results in overworking and cutting corners for things just to meet a deadline.

It is sadly ironic to think about how big the anime industry is becoming and behind the scenes, the people making it are suffering more and more. Hopefully, all of this gets sorted out and animators are paid fairly. Fans wouldn’t mind a bit of delay every now and then.

Source: Mappa Official Website

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