Mascot of Asahi Broadcasting Corporation Inspires Anime in 2021

A lot of different media franchises get adapted into anime. Apart from manga, popular games, toy lines and music media get anime adaptations as well.

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However, a TV channel mascot getting an anime is simply astounding. This goes on to prove the popularity of the mascot. It is also surprising how a mere mascot has enough fan-following and backstory to inspire an anime series.

Mascot of Asahi Broadcasting Corporation Inspires Anime in 2021
Mascot: ABCiee | Source: Official Site

Asahi Broadcasting Corporation announced that it is producing an anime inspired by its mascot, ABCiee. The anime is named Abciee Shugyo Nikki or Abciee Study Diary. It will debut in January 2021.

Aoi Yuki, who plays Tamaki in Fire Force, will be voicing the new mascot based anime. Ryosuke Aoike is in charge of the anime’s direction.

ABCier is an unidentified monster who was attracted to the ABC Osaka headquarters due to the radio waves. The creature is a boy and lives in the Nakanoshima River in Osaka.

ABCiee is attracted by the many spheres of broadcasting and decides to join the ABC company. However, he faces many challenges as a freshly hired person.

The ABC TV and ABC animation group have teamed up to produce the anime and create a new family for the mascot. Many private topics will be discussed, as well.

Aoi Yuki comments that the upcoming anime is a social satire, but it cannot be guessed from the cartoonish water-creatures included in the poster. Each episode is exciting, and it made her laugh a lot.

Director Ryosuke Aoike said that he was a little confused at first about animating a pink, naked character with just six hairs.

However, he later found the mascot cute and hopes that the audience will enjoy the inner workings of broadcasting that is depicted through the anime.

About ABCiee Study Diary

ABCiee Study Diary is an upcoming anime based on the mascot of the Asahi Broadcasting Corporation.

Mascot of Asahi Broadcasting Corporation Inspires Anime in 2021
Mascot: ABCiee | Source: Official Site

ABCiee is an unknown creature who was attracted to the ABC Osaka headquarters due to the radio waves. He is interested in learning about the broadcasting systems and starts working for ABC.

Source: Nikkan Sports

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