The hardships that Dabi had to endure were so severe and in My Hero Academia Chapter 351, we expect to see his fights.
It was amazing to see how a normal boy turned into this dangerous, vengeful criminal. What can we expect next from him?
For just a limited period of time, My Hero Academia is completely free to read. Just visit the Mangaplus website and you will be able to read the whole manga for free. We urge you to take this chance to reread the series legally.
Apparently, people have voted Chapter 94 to be their favorite. And many people agree with the fact that Chapter 99 is genuinely good. This is an official shonen jump poll that had quite many participants!

We don’t know why we had the break this week, but we are hoping to have less of them going ahead. Going ahead, there are so many fights coming up. Having breaks in between will just toy with our emotions.
Despite seeming so small, the Todoroki family’s complexity is surprisingly interesting. Deep down, we personally want Dabi to be reunited with his family. But can he manage that?
Nevertheless, we expect to see a very exciting fight in Bnha 351, a fight that resolves a lot.
My Hero Academia 351 Raw Scans
The bad news is, that My Hero Academia was on a break last week and the good news is that the break week is over.
My Hero Academia Chapter 351 raw scans will be arriving on 20th April 2022.
Obviously, they will come in the latest issue of Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump. Horikoshi Sensei has been consistently dropping great chapters, thus making the series highly popular.
From the magazine, the Mha 351 raws will be leaked and then translated. The whole process does take about 2 days. Various fan versions will be out and we believe the English fan translations will be out within 23rd April 2022. Find them on google.
The official English translations for My Hero Academia 351 will be coming out on 24th April 2022. These will be legal and in high definition.
We strongly recommend you to check these out via the Shonen Jump app, the Mangaplus site, or the viz site.
One Piece 1047 spoilers and Black Clover 331 will also be published this week for fans to read.
Mha Chapter 351 Discussion:
Dabi has always been one of the more popular antagonists. He has a special charm and fans have been speculating about him for a long time.
Even we ourselves have mentioned multiple times that we are very eager to find out his story. We are excited to see what follows in My Hero Academia Chapter 351.
What happened 11 years ago?
More than a decade ago, a huge fire started at the Sekoto Peak. And poor Toya got scorched in this immense flame. He regretted this apparent death since he wanted to prove himself to his father.
However, he did not die. All for One found and saved this burnt child.
After 3 years of being asleep, Toya woke once more. He immediately wanted to return home, but he was stopped. As Toya regretted his past actions, his words to his parents, a harsh truth befell him. Toya was informed that he has been changed.
It took immense effort to reconstruct him from such a charred state. The caretaker told him that despite everything, there is a chance that he might recover his flames.
With anger, Toya said that he won’t be trained by anyone but Endeavor himself. My Hero Academia 351 raw scans will show how much of the flames he has really recovered!
What is Garaki saying?
Due to the war, Garaki has a lighter guard on himself, and thus, he is running his mouth. He says how Toya might be the one who was born with everything.
Shigaraki was the main successor, but there were plenty of other kids stored as backup. Toya was one of them.
However, his mind worked differently. His attachment to his father was way too high. Dabi was considered a failure. He never cared to listen to the people who saved him. Seeing his mindset, he was let loose.

Dabi wasn’t supposed to live for more than a month. But he survived. He was a dead man walking. And he came back to meet Garaki and confront the truth. Only grudge kept Dabi alive.
Does this mean when his grudge is gone, he will die? We might see it in My Hero Academia Manga 351 spoilers.
What is Dabi doing?
3 years after his burning, Dabi returned home. He saw that his family had moved on and Endeavor had dedicated himself to training Shoto. Everything Dabi hoped for, it was shattered. His fascination with his father changed to a grudge.
And this is the point where Toya died. This is the birth of Dabi. This man has always been prepared to die. He is not a simple pawn of One for All.
He is a valuable addition to the crew, someone whom even the lord of darkness can’t tame.
But everything that Dabi wants to do, Shoto wants to prevent. Their legendary battle will take place in My Hero Academia 351 English Chapter.
It will be a battle of the family. It will decide whether this cursed family can ever find peace. We will see soon!
Boku no Hero Academia Chapter 351 Spoilers:
We are really close to getting the spoilers. After this weeklong break, the new issue is soon to arrive. And as the raws will come, so will the new spoilers. My Hero Academia 351 will be arriving on 20th April 2022.
Update: The bnha raw scan translations have begun and the English spoilers will be available very soon.
We are continuously on the lookout for spoilers. As soon as they are out, we will post them in this section.
Hence, our request to you is that you wait patiently for our Mha Chapter 351 spoilers update. You can also read our articles on KGF Chapter 3 and Parasyte Season 2 while you wait.