The Villains have taken the offensive this time and the upcoming My Hero Academia Chapter 364 will show how deadly they can be.
Last time, the villains were on the defensive. The heroes got a great head start and surprised them. Despite all the losses they suffered, the heroes did achieve victory. Nevertheless, the repercussions did not let them enjoy the victory.
Villians are the ones leading the charge, what are they going to do next?
Deku was really right! He wanted to attack the villains as soon as possible, in order to prevent them from preparing perfectly.
However, Shigaraki points out that even though it was a good plan, the heroes would still fail. Somehow, they do not have the proper plan and the appropriate manpower.

Deku has been out of the panels for a while now. It is high time for him to return. What is our protagonist doing? How long until he reaches the main fields
Now, fans are very eager to see him return and fight. This is what Deku has been training for. The longer he delays, the more casualties the heroes suffer.
All that is left to see is how Ochaco and Froppy are doing. Given the current atmosphere, we are inclined to believe that they too are having trouble. If not, theirs might be the only battlefront where the heroes are doing well.
Mha Chapter 364 if the villains will continue to push through or if the heroes have a counter for their advance.
According to some confirmed news, My Hero Academia Season 6 has been confirmed and will start airing soon.
My Hero Academia 364 Raw Scan Release Date
With no break this week, we know that My Hero Academia 364 is coming in this week’s issue of Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. Here, we will get the raw scans which will quickly be extracted and leaked.
After that, there will be the translation of the raws, which takes about two days. Before August 27, 2022, we expect to see the fan-translated English version to be released on google.
We recommend you wait just a day longer and read the official English scans of My Hero Academia 364. These will be released on August 28, 2022, on Viz, mangaplus websites, and the shonen jump app.
All 3 of these sources are legal and offer the chapter for free.
One Piece Chapter 1058 and Black Clover Chapter 335 are also going to be published this Sunday, do read them when out.
My Hero Academia Chapter 364 Spoilers:
It has been a long wait but the spoilers for My Hero Academia 364 have been released finally. The raws have been leaked and we are sure that the scanlators are working on the English translations.
The internet is filled with memes of Bakugo. After all, this is great news. Truth be told though, not many people expected him to stay dead.
After this chapter, the series will enter an indefinite hiatus. It will be back when the allegations of plagiarism have been resolved. However this is Disney versus Shueisha, so things might take a while.
My Hero Academia 364 spoilers
- The chapter is titled: What makes you use your Power?
- We see a flashback in the beginning. The doctor explains the bullets that Shigaraki stole from Overhaul back in the day.
- These bullets are based on someone’s quirk. He had researched to extract it.
- This information was actually stored as a recording. All for One had collected it after escaping Tartarus prison.
- At this moment, the villain has fully restored himself. He praises Endeavor for pushing him enough to make him use this backup option.
- Tokoyami realizes that this is definitely something related to the power of Eri. Hawks try to chase the villain but All for One manages to steal some clothes and a quirk.
- Using this rewind was his ultimate plan. Eventually, this body will disappear. But it doesn’t matter anymore. His only task is to kill as many heroes as possible.
- He passed the baton to Shigaraki. His student is now the leader plus a part of All for One is fused with Shigaraki.
- Meanwhile, in Washington DC, General Aghpar argues with the president about finishing Shigaraki off. In the nation, protests are taking place.
- The people are holding a sign that says that they are All for One! The president says that America is in great danger and that Shigaraki is invincible.
- Hence, all World Leaders have a new motive. They will fight to gain the trust of Shigaraki, which will allow their nation to survive.
- Aghpar argues about their freedom and that Shigaraki can’t be allowed to live. He argues that Star would not have supported this madness.
- He says that heroes use their power to inspire the new generation, to guide them to betterness.
- We then cut back to hero Edgeshot. He says that he can help the kid. It is too soon to give up. Hence, he begins to modify himself for Bakugo.
- Mirko is tasked with holding off Shigaraki while he saves Bakugo. He will act as Bakugo’s new life, making up for any parts he lost.
- This essentially means that Edgeshot is going to sacrifice himself. However, he is glad to do so for the new generation.
- Edgeshot says goodbye to Best Jeanist. The latter was his classmate back in the day. Jeanist used to be the Class President.
- We end the chapter with Edgeshot showing his face as he prepares his Supreme Ninpo. He will be Bakugo’s heart and save him.
My Hero Academia 364 First Impression :
The world leaders are giving up. Believing Shigaraki to be invisible, they are now focusing on being on the other side. However, do not realize that trusting a villain is simply madness.

Shigaraki is not looking for trust or help. He simply wants a world of anarchy, of destruction. That is his version of freedom. He will eventually end up causing more harm to all the nations.
As for Bakugo, it’s great that he is getting revived. Of course, the author won’t kill off the most famous character of the series. However, Edgeshot sacrificing himself is a great move since it shows his faith in the future generation.
Boku no My Hero Academia Chapter 364 Predictions
The rise of the villains is truly terrific to behold. And the ending scene with All for One’s real face drives the whole thing to perfection.
The latest chapter is incredibly scary and we are so hyped for what My Hero Academia Manga 364 early spoilers have in store for us. Maybe the heroes have some sort of ace up their sleeve.
What is Shigaraki doing?
Things have taken a turn for the absolute worst at the air fortress. We really are forced to ask, is it a grave for Shigaraki or the heroes? Everyone despairs at the sight of Bakugo, who is confirmed to be dead by Best Jeanist.
Monoma, Jeanist, Mirio and the others are having a hard time processing it.
Meanwhile, Mirko goes to attack the villain but it doesn’t work out. Shigaraki points out that the moment the heroes were forced to use the trainees in the war, their plan came out too flimsy.
He taunts the others, inviting them forward.
Shigaraki points out that the heroes are really shorthanded. At this point, they can just serve as emotional catalysts for Deku, nothing else. My Hero Academia 364 raw scans will show his next move. Maybe this time he will attack Eraser.
What is the situation with Shoto?
Where is Shoto and what exactly is going on with him?
From the final move, it seemed like Shoto has defeated Dabi. Alas though, it fell short. Dabi is not an average villain. He is the pinnacle of hard work and instinct.

When he got hit, he managed to learn Shoto’s signature move. In this chapter, he copies it to burn Onima.
Everyone is shocked by Dabi’s persistence. He really has outdone everyone on this battlefront. Skeptic informs him that Endeavor is fighting at the Gunga Villa Ruins.
Mha Chapter 364 English scans will probably show Dabi heading there to fight his father.
What are the other villains doing?
We see two other villains in this chapter. First, we have Skeptic. This is a man who got fired from his company. The higher officials left the country leaving all the hardware behind.
The skeptic was the one who built the whole network. He takes control of the whole system.
And using this, he begins his attack. Now, the heroes are getting cyber-attacked!
They detect a breach in the system, while Skeptic unveils his deep distrust and hatred for the old system. He truly is a man dedicated to the new world Shigaraki promises – a place free of heroes and villains, a place of equality.
Meanwhile, we also see that All for One is just fine. Despite all those efforts from Endeavor, the main villain is alive. What’s worse is that the man has somehow revived himself to his younger self.
He no longer needs his life support system. My Hero Academia 364 spoilers will continue with the attack of the villains. So stay tuned and also read our article on The Boxer Anime.