My Hero Academia: Horikoshi has already planned the end of the manga

My Hero Academia tells us the story of Izuku Midoriya on his path to become a great hero. It reported a few days ago that it had formally entered its final phase.

At this point we do not know how much is ahead in terms of story. We also cannot assume that it will end soon. But the truth is that its author already knows perfectly how the story will end.

Kouhei Horikoshi determined the conclusion of My Hero Academia from its inception.

Thus, we have been able to know him thanks to the following tweet by Manga Mogura. They have posted some comments from Kouhei Horikoshi about the conclusion of “My Hero Academia“:

The truth is that the fact that the end of “My Hero Academia” was determined from the beginning of the franchise is something that makes sense when we consider how the story is told. 

At the end of the day, in the first of the episodes it is clear that everything we see is being narrated by Izuku Midoriya having reached the end of his journey.

Logically, what will happen until we reach the real timeline of “My Hero Academia”, as well as the final consequences of all this, is something that we can only know once we really come up with the conclusion. Meanwhile, we still have a lot of content from the franchise, especially in terms of the anime adaptation. 

The series is currently airing season 5 of its anime. The latest chapter of the manga, chapter 310, was released on April 25.