My Hero Academia Manga Enters New Arc! ‘The Final Act’ Begins Next Week

My Hero Academia Manga has finally rested its The Final Act arc and marched upon a new storyline. The series has been intensely aiming at the Final War that is about to unleash. Both sides are prepared with apparent full-proof plans. The villains call for no mercy, and their sole motive is their victory. Whereas Deku might bring out his soft side and give Shigaraki another chance. It also appears Ochaco in a similar direction. So, with villains such as Dabi, Tomura, and Toga as opponents, will the heroes falter? Plus, what could be the new arc be about? Here are all the details.

Horikoshi’s manga began publishing on and from July 7, 2014. The story brought Midoriya in the main focus, who aspired to become a hero even without acquiring no powers. However, the series has taken a long run, and fast forward now, and it highlights an upcoming war that will decide the future of the My Hero Academia world. With All Might’s arch-nemesis All For One on one side and Midoriya on the other, the fight will surely create history.

My Hero Academia Manga

My Hero Academia Manga Hints At Another Redemption Arc!

The newest chapter of MHA Chapter 342 brought the heroes again as the main focus. The chapter began with heartfelt goodbyes among the heroes and their families. Finally, it appears that Deku will be protected somewhere else for now. The moment arrives, and the heroes hug their families and friends. Illustrations of Recovery Girl and the principal also appear. MHA has killed off many important characters Nighteye is one of them, and Horikoshi might do it once again.

Hence this moment has a much deeper meaning as the fans might fail to see their favorites once again. The battle is sure to be a rough one amounting to many lives, be it the heroes or villains. What makes Chapter 342 even more sorrowful is a conversation between Ochaco and Midoriya. The duo recall events from the Gigantomachia massacre. Uravity explains how Toga is just another person who was born into this world. She quotes that villains are made; hence there is much more depth behind their motives.

My Hero Academia Manga
Viz Media

What Will Happen Next?

Ochaco and Midoriya are seen almost worrying about the villains. Midoriya recalls having to see a child inside Tomura. While Toga’s cry and dejected face caused Ochaco a change of heart. The heroes have come much far, and forgiving the villain is not what they can approve of. However, a prevalent voice in the head continues to ask them to save them. The same case scenario applies to Dabi and his cruel past. Meanwhile, Shoto has already decided to reason with his older brother anyhow. But, can this really justify their actions?

The next arc is likely to find this side unfolding slowly and steadily. Much like Endeavour’s redemption arc, this time, the appearance of Dabi can proceed the story. As confirmed in Tomura’s backstory, AFO is toying with each and every one of the villains. Each villain went through a terrible childhood, and right when alone, AFO offered them help. The upcoming plot will see if the villain can change too, or is there no hope left after all. However, AFO’s command on the last page might mean that the war has already begun.

Also Read: Eri My Hero Academia: Can Eri Restore All Might’s Quirk? All Theories Explained!

Izuku Midoriya

My Hero Academia Manga Chapter 343: Release Date

With their base residing at Troy, Redditors speculate the infiltration of leaks once again. So, My Hero Academia Manga Chapter 343 will release on February 11, 2022. The chapter will be available on Viz Media and Manga Plus, For more updates, on the same, stay tuned,