My Hero Academia Manga On Break! But Why? When Will It Return?
Horikoshi’s My Hero Academia Manga is taking a break once again. Now, this news might dishearten a few fans. However, the mangaka needed it for very long. Plus, the break is going to be rather a short one. Hence, the heat that surfaced in the chapters of the text will remain ignited. The last chapter of MHA was packed with a series of revelations. Plus, a major villain has confirmed his significance in the coming chapters. So with Chapter 342 suffering a delay, when will it premiere instead? What will the plot resume?
Weekly Shonen Jump began publishing the manga from July 7, 2014. Since then, it has released over 32 volumes and an ongoing anime series. The series serves a huge audience with millions of active fans. While the anime has also had remarkable success, and a sixth season is on the cards for a release this year. With the manga on break, fans are speculating what could have led to it.

My Hero Academia Manga Announces Break!
The news broke out after Weekly Shonen Jump released their new issue this week. It was revealed that the 9th issue of the magazine will not be featuring any shots from the My Hero Academia manga. However, the reason was not specified in the text. But clearly, the writer is currently concentrating on his work purely and trying to pull out shockers as the weeks go by. But fans are not to worry as the delay will not be a long one, and their favorite manga will be back soon.
In addition, Chapter 341 ended with a cliffhanger, and fans were eager for the next release to blow their minds further. However, with Chapter 342 facing a delay, theories are being discussed of what could come next. Plus, Bakugo appears almost after half a year, so the hype is real on this one. Lastly, the makers are great at keeping their fans engaged, as the Volume 33 cover also made through on January 21, 2022.

What Will Happen Next?
The last chapters of The Final Act Saga focused mainly on heroes and their build-up towards a constructive plan for the coming war. However, the last release of Horikoshi, Chapter 341, took the viewers closer to the villain’s whereabouts and their notions. The chapter began with Dabi burning down Toga’s childhood home and handing her Twice’ blood. While the heroes claim to be prepared for anything, this particular detail might cause a commotion.
Next up, Tomura appears to be able to regenerate his lost fingers while also testing his violent abilities. While All For One is also getting accustomed to the Quirk Singularity. Finally, Spinner is persuaded into an act that he is highly against. But with no further help, he agrees to lead the heteromorphs who hate the heroes in this war.

With both the sides ready and Horikoshi taking extra time on this one, Chapter 342 might bring the beginning of the war. A lot of details have yet to be shown light upon. So, the next chapter can bring Midoriya’s preparation to master the quirk of the Second user of One For All. Plus, Shinso’s new costume and Aizawa’s plan have yet to be disclosed. Lastly, readers might find a completely reformed Tomura in the coming chapters. Fans are speculating that the break might be because of Bakugo’s big reveal which will happen after very long.
When Will The Manga Return?
The My Hero Academia Manga’s author is on break this week. The next issue of Weekly Shonen will not have the fan-favorite series on their magazine. However, the fans will not have to wait for too long as the series will come back in the 10th issue scheduled for next week. So, My Hero Academia Manga Chapter 342 will release on February 6, 2022 and bring in the highly awaited story. Lastly, for more updates, keep coming back to The Anime Daily.