My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 115: Pro Heroes Are Coming! Release Date
The latest chapter of My Hero Academia Vigilantes is going to have a blasting opening. Quite literally so, as Koichi is up against the explosive quirk of Number Six. Last week’s cliffhanger put up quite a lot of questions for the story. Since the fight is being live-streamed on all news networks, there is a higher chance that the pro heroes will come and save the day. But until that time, Koichi will have to manage on his own. Here is everything to know about My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 115.
In the upcoming chapter of Vigilantes, fans can expect to see some insane moves from Crawler Koichi. This is because this bowl is in the final round. None of the fighters are ready to put their guards down. This means that only one of them is going to come out alive. How far is Number Six willing to go for the sake of Operation Anonymous?

My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 115: Plot Details
The upcoming chapter of My Hero Academia Vigilantes will begin from the same cliffhanger where it left. Number Six’s body has turned into nothing but a skeleton. All For One understood the move that he was about to commence. But Koichi is as confused as others on the street. Thus, he does not know that a massive detonation is coming his way. However, it is most likely that the boy will identify the move before the blast can commence.
The only option that Koichi has is getting as far away from this blast as possible. If he is able to escape in time, then the pro heroes will have a gateway to arrest all the perpetrators. However, the blast is set to explosive since Six is using all his Bomber Cells. Thus, Koichi will have to come up with a better plan to stop the detonation and save all the civilians of the city.

Previous Chapter Recap!
In last week’s chapter of Vigilantes, Six began to shoot innumerous missiles on Koichi. As a result of these large blasts, the media started to surround the fight. Soon enough, a news copter arrived at the scene. Koichi thought that this coverage would soon bring in all the pro heroes in the center stage. This meant that he had even lesser time to cope up. On the other hand, All For One was also furious at Six for not standing up to the mark. He called him back and withdrew Operation Anonymous.
However, Six was reluctant to fight. Thus, he blasted a huge missile towards him. Koichi dodged the attack. Afterward, as he was about to attack him with a Knuckle Bomb, Six’s body evaporated into a skeleton. An explanatory panel goes to show All For One’s understanding of this move. It revealed that Six had disintegrated his body so that he could fuse the remaining Bomber Cells with Anonymous and commence the ultimate blast.

My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 115: Release Date
Now that this epic fight is in the public eye, Koichi has two problems to deal with at once. Does that mean that Number Six will get an opening to strike back? My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 115 is set to release next Friday on December 10, 2021. Fans will be able to read all the chapters of the manga only on the official website of Viz Media. Stay tuned with The Anime Daily for more.