My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 119: Koichi Takes On Six! Release Date & Plot
My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 119 is in line for release this week. The time has finally come when Koichi has to do something serious to damage this opponent. However, no matter what he tries, Number Six remains standing. Moreover, our hero resolves not to kill anyone. Plus, with Koichi dropping towards flames, the city will continue getting destroyed. Hence, the hero has to fasten his gears and unleash his powerful moves. So, here is everything to know about the latest outing.
The following episode has much to focus on. Koichi is taking very long to make a decision. However, the flashback from the past might help him save the city alone. The heroes are on their way too. But Knuckleduster would like Koichi to take on the villain by himself. Plus, his final words tell a story of their own. All of these details might come up in the coming release.

My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 119: Plot Details!
Now, as the title, “Vigilante,” suggests, Knuckleduster’s addition in the series, tells a story. Knuckleduster has always had a strong demeanor and was a vigilante in his old days. He never abided by the rules and fights villains without government issues. Hence, his desperation to see Koichi defeat Six is valid. Moreover, the final words that left Koichi’s mouth signify he is over his childhood games and dares to live it now. Koichi would imitate heroes as a play in his games. However, the young Koichi has finally realized it is much more than that and wants to live his childhood dream.
The last page features a burning hoodie of All Might, Koichi’s idol depicts how his childhood games have finally burned off, and the real world is entirely different. My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 119 will see Koichi take on the villain finally. He has powered up to such an amount that even AFO has noticed. The fight will call a victor, and it is very likely Koichi will put an end to Knuckeduster’s old enemy. There is a much-discussed fan theory that predicts AFO stealing Koichi’s quirk and turning him into a Nomu for The Final Act. Finally, Pop Star is in the hospital. Hence, the next chapter can find a revelation of her true state.

Previous Chapter Recap!
The 118th chapter of MHA Vigilantes finds All For One carefully analyzing Koichi’s moves. While reading his every move, AFO wonders what really drives his quirk to perform such amazing moves. Later, Koichi punches Six’s body which yields no result. It is clear that at this moment, Koichi is still refraining from killing Number Six. Proving why he did not follow Knuckleduster’s instructions. However, soon Koichi appears unfazed by the ongoing situation and states he is enjoying this moment.
The next scene brings his childhood memories to focus. Young Koichi would imitate heroes in the playground with his friends. He notices how his friends would return home before him while he was left alone. Later, he grows up and finds his classmates over the hero dream and planning the future of their regular lives. He tries that too but was never able to completely wear away from it. The final word that leaves the vigilante’s mouth is his hero dream coming to an end.

My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 119: Release Date
The next episode of MHA Vigilantes can see Koichi moving forward and living what it really means to be a hero. So, My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 119 will release on February 10, 2022. The chapter will be available on Viz Media and Manga Plus. Hence, for more updates on the same, keep coming back to The Anime Daily.