My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 122: Endeavor Vs. Number Six! Release Date & Plot
After the long break, My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 122 is finally lined for release this week. It has been known for a long that Koichi will refrain from doing any permanent damage upon Six. He has been waiting for the pro heroes to arrive. So, the last chapter finally saw the most awaited entrances of the pro heroes. However, according to Aizawa, none of them are capable of taking down Number Six. Hence, Endeavor has joined the battle and is willing to take charge. So, here is everything about the latest chapter.
The following chapter is likely to find the fire quirks clashing together. Endeavor is known for his amazing fire abilities. On the other hand, Number Six has shown what he is capable of. Hence, the battle will surely get more intense as the series progresses.
Also Read: My Hero Academia: How Many Quirks Does Deku Have?

My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 122: What Will Happen Next?
As per the previous events, Number Six has multiplied in smaller versions of himself. Now, just when Koichi thought he could finally rest, it is likely that there is still a long battle that he has to face. Moreover, Edgeshot and Ingenium are taking care of the crowd. Hence, it is up to Endeavor to take down the villain with the help of Koichi. However, this might cause extra damage to Naruhata. Since there will be two fire quirks against each other. So, the other pro heroes need to empty the area as soon as possible.
It is also apparent that Best Jeanist is not in his best condition. He looked worn out and had his clothes torn apart. So, the hero might not be of much help. With Aizawa already calling his weakness, it is up to Koichi to tie his shoes once again and take on the villain in My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 122. Number Six’s this transformation will surely create a long-lasting memory in every hero’s life. On the other hand, the heroes will also try not to let the locals get hurt in any way possible.

Previous Chapter Recap!
My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 121 began with Jeanist announcing that the civilians need to leave the area since there is a savage fight going on. However, the crowd completely ignored his words and questioned why his clothes were pulled apart. The panel then brought Ingenium and Edgeshot to view who were trying to help the locals. However, no one has obliged their orders. Finally, Eraserhead wrapped his cloth around Koichi and pulled him towards him. The man aided him with a temporary fix.
While Present Mic was seen heading towards the battle with more help, the crowd kept cheering for Koichi. The locals totally forgot about the other pro heroes and focused on the vigilante. While some looked scared for the hero, the others praised his fighting skills. Number Six caught sight of this and found himself reliving the childhood days when Koichi would get all the attention that he wanted. This fueled the villain and compelled him to transform into smaller versions of him and spread everywhere. The chapter reached its final panel when Endeavor announced his grand entry.

My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 122: Release Date
So, My Hero Academia Vigilantes Chapter 122 will release on March 25, 2022. The chapter will be available on Viz Media and Manga Plus. Thus, for more updates, stay tuned.