My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 395: Lion King Vs. Black Slime! Release Date & More!
My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 395 will be the quest to save Isabella. The previous chapter exposed a traitor among the friends of Isabella. Moreover, she is shocked at all of these happenings. Therefore, she cannot be able to collect herself from the incidents. The war is still going on, and the Dwarves have entered the war zone. Moreover, Lion King has taken the side of the Demon Queen.
The next chapter will mark the furious fight between Beth and Black Slime. Isabella will be able to escape easily from the scene if Beth keeps fighting with Black Slime. However, the traitor from Isabella’s group is still trying to stop them with her power. But Isabella must take some action to escape the war zone. Read the following article for detailed info on the upcoming chapter of the manhwa!

My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 395: Lion King & The Enemy Forces!
The Lion King Beth and Dwarf Prince Motoso will fight together in My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 395. They will be facing Black Slime, The Chain guy, and the traitor from Isabella’s group. However, the warriors on Isabella’s side are too weak. Only Beth and Motoso have the potential to keep the enemy busy in the attacks.
Isabella must awake herself to tackle the enemy force. She is the Demon Queen, and her followers will need her support. The faint condition Isabella is bothering her partners. But there are chances that Beth will buy her some more time to escape from the war zone. It will not be fruitful for the Demon Race if the enemy forces manage to capture Isabella for research.

Quick Recap: Previous Chapter!
The 394th chapter of My Wife Is A Demon Queen started with Eli taking Isabella from the traitor. He carried the Demon queen away from the enemy. However, Emery took charge of Isabella, and Eli faced the enemy. The Chain guy from the enemy side attacked Eli to get the Demon Queen. But a new swordsman entered in between to stop those chains. It was the Dwarf Prince Motoso who kept attacking the Chain guy.
Eli used this chance to take Isabella away. However, the traitor increased her size to stop the movement of Isabella and her partners. Moreover, the Black Slime also grabbed this opportunity to attack Isabella. The demon Queen was not responding a bit to the situation. Suddenly, the Lion King Beth attacked the Slime. However, there was no loss due to the slime protection layer.

My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 395: Release Date
My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 395 will be out on October 3, 2022. The manhwa is going too far with the war arc of the Demon Lord. It has almost covered ten chapters from the manhwa. Moreover, it might continue for five more chapters. Be ready to read the upcoming chapters on Webtoon, Kakaopage, and Naver. Check out the other articles from The Anime Daily for more updates!