Cheon Yeo Woon has stepped into the mouth of a snake but by the looks of it, he has already prepared a countermeasure. We may get to see Lady Mu and Cheon yeo Woon going against each other in the upcoming Nano Machine Chapter 93.
The fans can hardly wait to see both of them going against each other.
Lady Mu kidnapped Guard Jang in the hopes to get Cheon Yeo Woon into her clutches and kill him. He didn’t expect Lady Mu to be behind the kidnap of Guard Jang but now they are finally facing each other.
Lady Mu was the one who killed Cheon Yeo’s mother so it would be interesting to see how he will react when he knows the whole truth.
It looks like Lady Mu was either jealous of Cheon Yeo Woon’s mother or had any other deeper reason for her hatred. She slowly poisoned her with the help of poison from the Poison Clan.

She even made Cheon Yeo Woon promise not to take any training for his internal energy until he joins the academy. He was discriminated against by all the other clans and assassins have been sent against him a lot of times by the other clans.
Guard Jang is a part of a family of Cheon Yeo Woon. He has still not met his father and we still don’t know why he was abandoned by his father. His father is the lord of the demon cult so it would be interesting to see how he reacts to seeing his son’s growth.
Let’s hope he gets back soon and we get to see a new part of Cheon Yeo Woon’s life.
Nano Machine Chapter 93 Release Date and Time:
Lady Mu has kidnapped Guard Jang and two of Cheon Yeo Woon’s subordinates but it looks like Cheon Yeo Woon has found a perfect way to counter her plan. The initial plan to get the culprit has failed but it looks like he already had a backup plan in action.
The Raw Scans will be in the original language of this manhwa and we can expect it a day or two before the official adaptions. The Nano Machine 93 raw scans are to release around 14th February 2022.
There is still no news on where is Guard Jang but in the last chapter, we get to see he has been tortured and is in a very bad condition. The upcoming Nano Machine Chapter 93 will be released on 16th February 2022.
Update: The English chapter will be out in less than 24 hours.
There will be no break next week so you don’t have any longer to see how the fight between Lady Mu and Cheon Yeo Woon goes down.
Eleceed Chapter 181 and Tokyo Revengers Chapter 242 are also set to be released this week.
Nano Machine Manhwa 93 Predictions:
Lady Mu was thinking that she had an upper hand in this battle but things are going to get rough for her in the upcoming chapter. She has greatly underestimated Cheon yeo Woon and this may prove to be her last mistake as Cheon Yeo Woon is hell-bent on taking revenge.
Cheon Yeo Woon’s Backup Plan
Initially, Cheon Yeo Woon has been planning on luring the enemy by exposing his location but Lady Mu already predicted his move and countered him. She captured the two of his subordinates who has been sent to spy on the Blade and Wise Clan.
Cheon yeo Woon sent Sama Chak and Baekgi to the Blade and the Wise Clan but Lady Mu had already predicted that and deployed troops to capture them. He then used both of them to lure Cheon Yeo Woon to her new hideout at the Poison Clan.
She also gathered a large number of soldiers and expert fighters in case a fight breaks out.
Cheon Yeo Woon on the other hand predicted her move and came up with a counter plan. He used her son to blackmail Lady Mu. He had already sent her son to prison in the case of murder of members of other clans.
Yeo Woon has gained the favor of the Right Guard so it is no surprise that he managed to gouge an eye out of Lady Mu’s son and has now presented it in front of her.
Lady Mu’s son, Cheon Muyeon
Cheon Muyeon was one of the top contestants for becoming the new lord but Cheo Yeo Woon killed every possibility of that happening. Cheon Muyeon picked a fight with Cheon Yeo Woon’s subordinates in his absence and tried to recruit them by force.
Th fight and counter fight between both of them went on for a long time in the Academy but Cheon Yeo Woona brought an end to that. Cheon Muyeon planned to make Cheon Yeo Woon fight against the heirs of the top 6 clans to let them eliminate each other.
Cheon Yeo Woon understood his plan and he killed the members in such a way that it seemed like they killed each other in a battle. He also killed one of the heirs by using a special technique that is only used by the Blade Clan forcing all the evidence against Cheon Muyeon.
He was then declared as a culprit for the murder of those heirs and was sent into prison. Lady Mu was still not aware of what has happened to him soon at the Academy but she will find it out soon.
Nano Machine 93 Spoilers:
There haven’t been any spoilers yet but we will be posting them as soon we get our hands on them.
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