Netflix Cancels I Am Not Okay With This After Season 1
I have tried to be all zen about this whole pandemic thing. But it’s over now and one is ever seeing it again, not when you say COVID!
I am not okay with this. How can they cancel that show? I loved that show! (Oh, that is also the name of the show, I am not okay with this.)
It is official. Netflix has announced that they are no longer pursuing the coming of age superhero sci-fi, I Am Not Okay With This, for a second season. The reason? Take a guess.
In a statement, Netflix indicated that the decision to cancel I Am Not Okay With This is “due to circumstances created by COVID”.

Starring Sydney (Sophia Lillis) in the lead role of a young teen who is coming to terms with her father’s death and changes in her own body.
It is an obvious metaphor for puberty, these changes, except they make her so angry she can make heads blow in a billion pieces or ransack a library, without even moving an inch.
The brutally curious cliffhanger the creators left us with after season one, what do we do with it? Where do we go for closure?
I had nightmares about Syd’s blood-freckled face for a week after the binge session.
For those who don’t know, the blood belonged to her crush’s boyfriend (who is a jackass) and it splatters all over her after he makes her angry and she telekinesis-es (if such a word exists) his head open.

The cast also includes Wyatt Oleff, Sofia Bryant, Kathleen Rose Perkins, Aidan Wojtak-Hissong, and Richard Ellis.
The streaming service thanked executive producers Jonathan Entwistle, Christy Hall, Shawn Levy, Dan Levine, Dan Cohen, and Josh Barry at 21 Laps Entertainment as well as the show’s writers, cast, and crew.
Season one with its seven episodes was released earlier this year on February 26.
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