Netflix to Release JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean Monthly
As if the JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure Part 6 anime’s announcement wasn’t enough, the fact that it will be released on Netflix just made my day. Even with all the anime streaming services, it is still the most convenient way to watch anime.
Usually, a franchise of JoJo’s level completes its domestic run before coming on to Netflix, but this isn’t the case here. JoJo’s Part 6 is set to debut in December 2021, one month before its televised broadcast in January 2022.
Although we do not have the exact release date or details regarding the release, Netflix has listed JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean for a monthly release.
The episode count per month isn’t clear at the moment, but it is fair to assume that 13 episodes will be released each month over the period of three months.
Part 6’s anime will have to cover 158 chapters worth of content, so the 39 episode count is probably correct. This is very much like Part 5, which had the same episode count for 156 chapters.

Almost everyone involved in the anime production of the last five parts has been a JoJo fan; maybe that is why these adaptations have translated so well on the screen. This is even more apparent this time around.
Fairouz Ai, the voice actress for Jolyne Cujoh, began her career by fan dubbing the character over Skype calls with other fans of the series. This seems hardly surprising as everyone was captivated by her performance in the trailer alone.
JoJo Part 6: Stone Ocean Drops Netflix Exclusive Debut Details
Part 6 primarily takes place in a prison where Jolyne and her fellow inmates are trying to break out in order to restore Jotaro’s soul and bring him back to life. Which begs the question, who is strong enough to defeat Jotaro himself? Maybe someone from his past?
About JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a manga series written and illustrated by Hirohiko Araki. The series is divided into eight parts, each following the adventures of a new protagonist bearing the “JoJo” nickname.
The first six parts form a saga detailing the supernatural conflicts between members of the Joestar family and various villains. The latter two parts follow a continuity reboot, taking place in an alternate universe with many parallels to the original.
Source: Netflix
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