New Manga By Fukagawa Kasumi! Zombie Land Saga Gets A Spin-Off In May 2021
When zombies and idols are combined, the fun is unimaginable. With the success of the Zombie Land Saga manga and anime skyrocketing, a spinoff series by Fukagawa Kasumi is highly anticipated.
Zombie Land Saga is a musical anime. It is a refreshing story of girls, turned into zombies, working hard to achieve their dreams. It provides a more realistic outlook on becoming an idol.
A new spin-off manga series based on the Zombie Land Saga will be released in May 2021, with Fukagawa Kasumi as the artist.
The new manga is named “Zombie Land Saga Gaiden- The First Zombie” and will probably give some details on the backstory of more humans turned zombies. The cover is also anticipated to be revealed by the end of April.
Fukagawa Kasumi also did the character design for the Zombie Land Saga Revenge anime series. Her art style and appropriate portrayal of the character’s inner emotion will do justice to the new manga spin-off.
Sadly, there are no character reveals as of now, but the upcoming spin-off will reveal new insights about our favorite zombie idols.
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The manga will debut in the sixth edition of the Ultra Jump magazine by Shueisha, speculated to be released in May.

Zombie land saga is arguably one of the most underrated anime out there. It has now returned for its sequel season, titled ‘Zombie Land Saga Revenge.’ The first episode premiered with the zombie girls entering the workforce after quitting the idol-dom.
It will be fascinating to explore the new characters, new arcs, new fight scenes that the spin-off will include. It is definitely worth the wait!!
Zombie Land Saga is an original TV animation produced by the joint collaboration between MAPPA, Avex Pictures, and Cygames. Season 1 of the anime made in 2018 ran for 12 episodes and also paved way for a manga series.
The story is about Sakura and how her dream of becoming an idol soon comes to an end after being hit by a truck.
Finding herself in an unknown world, she later comes to know that she was resurrected as a zombie by a man named Koutarou.
Source: Twitter
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