One Piece 1054 Theory :Pluton Is In Wano And Momo Will Use It

Recent One Piece chapters and a few theories suggest that Pluton is in Wano and most probably Momonosuke will use it in the future.

We are in the first week of the hiatus. Yes, the break of our favorite series has begun, and up ahead, we are looking at 3 major projects to keep the fans engaged until One Piece 1054.

First, there are luxury lotteries. They include drawings, medals, postcards, and even a replica of Oda sensei’s notebook.

Next, we have Road to Laugh Tale, the Special Appendix. These will have the storyboards that never got included! And lastly, we will have free to read Volumes. Viz Media will probably host them.

One Piece 1054 Theory

This is the perfect chance to stock up on some One Piece volumes and also, we can use this chance to read the free volumes and refresh those sweet memories that we all cherish so much.

The latest chapter has been absolutely incredible and it truly has paved a great path for the Wano arc to end. We are highly excited about the content of One Piece Chapter 1054.

And one of the things that excite us the most, is the reveal of the Strawhat bounties. Who will be higher? Zoro or Sanji!

Pluton and Momonosuke

For the longest, Robin has known about Pluton being in Wano. Ever since Arabasta, she has been searching for the ancient weapon, and now, she is finally close.

Throughout the Wano arc, we were always wondering about this reveal.

And turns out, it was always meant to appear in the epilogue. Actually, with all the humdrum about the Poneglyph of Big Mom during the Whole Cake arc, we figured that something similar can happen in Wano.

However, Oda sensei rolled back to his usual style.

Now before One Piece 1054 delivers more information about Pluton, let us check the two existing theories. One is that Momonosuke is Pluton, just like how Shirahoshi is Poseidon.

However, this theory is not that popular.

Since Pluton has always been called the World’s Worst Battleship. Shipwrights of Water 7 had its blueprints and currently, Franky is the only one who knows about it. And if Pluton really is a battleship, it will probably be Momo who can operate it.

That is probably why he read Oden’s journal and realized that he is very important and must not die.

Later in the story, more details will come. And alongside that, we might see Momo being the person operating Pluton. His ability to talk to Zunesha might come in handy.

However, this theory disregards the other theory that says the Thousand Sunny is probably Pluton!

The Poneglyphs:

The Poneglyphs are the key to finding the One Piece. We know there are two types – the Red and the Blue ones. The Red ones are Road Poneglyph that point towards Laugh Tale.

The Blue ones have information to pass down to future generations.

The Blue Poneglyph from Arabasta is the one that points towards the location of Pluton, which is Wano country. Now, we have to see the Poneglyphs in Wano.

Of course, there is the Red one that Kaido monopolized.

But this is the land where Poneglyphs are sculpted. This is the land of Poneglyphs. Hence, in One Piece 1054, we expect to see more than 1 Blue Poneglyph.

And there, we are expecting to find more information about the Void Century, and the location of Uranus, the final ancient Weapon.

If the Pluton is in Wano, what do you expect it to be? Is it a pirate ship or some kind of ultimate weapon? All will be revealed in the next One Piece Chapter 1054 spoilers.