The One Piece 1063 spoilers have been released and fans are so excited by them. This is one of those chapters that deeply and thoroughly entertain the fans. Even we were shocked by the contents of it.
We can’t wait to talk about all the things taking place.
The name of the chapter is “My Only Family”, which refers to Bonney talking about her father Kuma. We know that this arc will give us the complete picture of the highly mysterious Bartholomew Kuma, the man who has had such a great impact on the Strawhats.
Meanwhile, Sanji and Pudding shippers have just found new life after the cover story. Germa 66 infiltrated Whole Cake Island in Big Mom’s absence, to save the captured brothers. Their mission has been a success and they now have Caesar Clown with them.

In this chapter, we see that Cracker has been frozen out and Brulee is crying. Apparently, Pudding has been kidnapped. Who other than Germa will do so? Although, maybe Pudding finally saw a chance and escaped from there. Maybe she wants a normal life now. We will see.
Also, great news – there is no break next week. We will have One Piece 1064 on time. It will be the 3rd consecutive chapter though. Hence a break is coming up in two weeks.
One Piece 1063 Spoilers Released!
So we finally have some early confirmed spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1063, we discuss Luffy on Egghead Island and how Blackbeard waited on one of the islands near Wano hoping to catch one of the three supernova who went against Kaido and Big Mom.
Kaido is in search of poneglyphs, the race to Laugh Tale has begun and he must gather all the poneglyphs soon if he wants to reach the mysterious island. Is Law in trouble? Or will he be able to escape with his life?
Blackbeard Pirates fight the Heart Pirates
Somewhere, in the middle of the sea, Law is sailing and Blackbeard is ambushing him. Even though he has a fleet now, Blackbeard has mostly brought his original gang.
We have Burgess, with the Abnormal Strength fruit. We have Augur, with the Warping fruit! There is also Doc Q with the sickness fruit and finally Stronger, with the mythical Pegasus Zoan!
Seeing this, Law is forced to escape to a nearby island. Augur immediately warps Burgess towards him and the latter literally lifts and throws a mountain at Law. Doc, Stronger, and Blackbeard then arrive, thanks to Stronger’s fruit.
Doc uses his fruit to turn Law into a woman. But Law uses haki to disrupt the sickness fruit’s power. Noticeably, the lightning from the haki was shown to be white, instead of the typical black. This might be Oda sensei hinting at new variations of power.
Law states that he has learned a lot from his battle with the Yonko. A strong haki can nullify the powers of Devil fruits.
Blackbeard was hoping to meet one of the three pirates who sailed away from Wano. As he confronts Law, he says that he will take all the Road Poneglyphs in Law’s possession. Law agrees to a winner takes all battle and they get ready to fight.
One Piece 1064 might show us glimpses of this battle but probably not all of it. And our bet is on Blackbeard right now. We believe he will be one of the final bosses and Luffy must be sufficiently angry at him.
For now, Blackbeard has taken out Ace and Whitebeard. He has also taken Coby, assaulted Boa, and probably will defeat Law. Luffy has so many reasons to hate him.
Luffy in Egghead Island
Regrettably, this chapter did not show us any more forms of Dr. Vegapunk. Zoro and the ones with his do not make an appearance either. We instead begin the chapter with Luffy’s group.
Thank’s to Vegapunk’s machine, they all get outfit changes.
Jinbe changes into Hawaiian clothes while the other 3 dons some futuristic clothing! They come face to face with a Kuma robot. He is not the real deal of course. The robot also wears round sunglasses. In this chapter, it tries to attack the group.
Luffy tries to retaliate but is stopped by Bonney. She says that Kuma is her only family.
We see an old image of the past, where a much younger Kuma is holding Bonney, back from when she was a little kid. Bonney can’t get past the nostalgia to hit even a robot who just looks like Kuma. Maybe One Piece 1064 will reveal more of their past.
We will update this article with more One Piece 1063 spoilers soon. So stay tuned and keep visiting Orianime.