One Piece Chapter 1047: “The Skies Above The Capital” Release Date & Plot
The fight between Luffy and Kaidou has continued. However, it had many repercussions. Meanwhile, the reason behind Momonosuke’s insecurities will come to view. One Piece Chapter 1047 will feature a flashback scene between Momonosuke and his mother. Apparently, he has always been scared of failing to fulfill his mother’s last wishes. On the other hand, Luffy’s fight with Kaidou will take a new turn. Luffy will enlarge his fist to a size bigger than the whole of Onigashima. So, here is everything about the upcoming chapter.
The next chapter of One Piece will begin with Momonosuke as the main focus. However, very quickly, the panel will cut to Luffy and his ongoing battle. The final panel will showcase Luffy believing in Momonosuke when nobody would. So, the coming outing will highlight many of these details.

One Piece Chapter 1047: What Will Happen Next?
It appears that the Onigashima Raid is on the verge of its end. So, One Piece Chapter 1047 will begin with Yamato insisting on flame clouds in order to save the Flower Capital. However, right then, a flashback will appear, bringing Momonosuke conversing with his mother. His mother, Toki Kozuki, asks Momonosuke to travel to the past and save the Kozuki clan. However, he pleads not to be involved. He will continue to say that he cannot and that he is only a child. However, Toki will refuse to believe after his father’s death. The next panel will bring the ongoing fight back to focus.
It will be revealed that the former Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, never had a Devil Fruit. Kaidou will send Luffy flying into the sky, but Luffy’s Awakening will keep bringing him back. The scene will shift to the happenings of the Fire Festival. Meanwhile, the fight will continue to take a long to end. Kaidou’s launches do not yield any success. It is figured that if Luffy wins, Onigashima will be destroyed, but Wano will finally be free. The final panel will find Luffy calling for Momonosuke’s help. However, others will not think of this as a good idea.

Previous Chapter Recap!
One Piece Chapter 1046 began with Luffy figuring out what to call his last attack. Soon, he claimed himself to be the next Pirate King and the one who would defeat Kaidou once and for all. Kaidou launched his Gundari Ryuseigun on Luffy, but the latter dodged it very easily. He then sent several punches at his opponent. The panel shifted to the occurrences on the Live Floor, where everyone was trying to do away with the fire. However, nothing helped.
Usopp used his Midori Boshi: Sprinkler to put out the fire, but it came with no results. The scenes on the Fourth Floor were much different as Raizo had a plan after all. He used his Devil Fruit powers to store the water that Zunesha bathed in. He then poured all the water all over the castle and finally got rid of the fire. The final panel brought Luffy appearing God-like and preparing a lightning bolt to launch on Kaidou while the latter did not appear afraid.

One Piece Chapter 1047: Release Date
So, One Piece Chapter 1047 will release on April 24, 2022. The chapter will be available on Viz Media and Manga Plus. Thus, for more updates, stay tuned.