One Piece Chapter 1051: “Shogun Of Wano, Kozuki Momonosuke” Release Date & Plot
One Piece Chapter 1051 is lined for a release this week. The series is currently showcasing the battle between Luffy and Kaidou. The final chapter found Kaidou falling into the same pit as Big Mom, indicating Luffy’s victory. Now, with such exciting moments, the next panels found Momonosuke being recognized as Kaidou. This has put him in much turmoil. On the other hand, Lady Komurasaki appears to be alive. As Momonosuke is claimed to be the Shogun of Wano, the chapter ends. So, what happens next? Here is everything to know about the next outing.
So, the following chapter will find the after events of the earthquake. Many of the characters will be seen rising from the dead. The next chapter will only bring happiness to the readers. Moreover, Momonosuke will take the leadership of Wano and announce the end of all the bad guys.

One Piece Chapter 1051: What Will Happen Next?
One Piece Chapter 1051 will continue the previous events. It will begin with the citizens comparing Kaidou with Momonosuke. However, Kin’emon will arise and call them not similar. The citizens will be shocked at such a statement. Moreover, Kin’emon’s presence will startle them. They will look around and claim that the next moments will likely be historical. Meanwhile, Yamato will introduce herself as Kozuki Oden. She will add about joining the Strawhat pirates.
This will bring a divided reaction from the members. Some will look happy at the thought, while some will ask for their captain’s assurance. However, Luffy and Zoro will be fast asleep because of the battle. Finally, Momo will begin his speech. He will recall the 20 years and announce the defeat of Orochi, Kaidou, and the beasts’ pirates. The citizens will cheer at the news. The final panel will find Momonosuke ascending the title of Shogun of Wano.

Previous Chapter Recap!
One Piece Chapter 1050 began with Luffy’s apparent victory. Kaidou fell into the same pit as Big Mom after her defeat. The battle resulted in much damage. One of which was a volcanic eruption. The lava will enter the pit, engulfing the duo in it. On the other hand, Nekomamushi announced the fair win Luffy after his battle against Kaidou. Hearing this, Yamato stopped Beasts Pirates from fighting further.
Meanwhile, Momonosuke claimed that he did not want to take the title since people compared him with Kaidou. This disappointed him, and he decided to head back. Soon, an earthquake took over. And, just as he was leaving, Lady Komurasaki and Kyoshiro appeared out of nowhere. The people of Wano were surprised as Komurasaki was supposed to be dead. The final panel found Denjiro announcing Momonosuke as the new Shogun.

One Piece Chapter 1051: Release Date
Luffy has finally won, and Momonosuke can take over Wano and rule peacefully. So, One Piece Chapter 1051 will release on June 5, 2022. There will be no break next week. The series will be available on Viz Media and Manga Plus. Thus, for more updates, keep coming back to The Anime Daily.