One Piece Chapter 1058: New Straw Hat And Cross Guild Bounties, Marines, Sabo And More!
Guys, chapter 1058 “New Emperor” just dropped and it’s probably one of the funniest chapters in the whole Wano arc. I mean, what with Luffy getting raged on by Nami and Buggy getting destroyed by his Mihawk and Crocodile, the latest chapter is a riot.
While it’s hilarious that we have our 2 new Emperors of the Sea getting beat up by their “subordinates”, chapter 1058 has some exciting reveals, too, making it a really important chapter overall.
Oda gives us new bounties for all the Straw Hats and the members of Cross Guild, as well as an explanation on how the World Government decided them. Chapter 1058 also sees flashbacks of what happened after the Warlord system was dissolved, and the return of Dragon and Sabo.
New Straw Hat Bounties
After the Thousand Sunny leaps down the waterfall to run its course towards the east, a News Coo drops off a newspaper containing new and updated bounties for the leaders of the 5600-man grand fleet: fleet captain Emperor Straw Hat Luffy and his 9 ommanders –r or should I say, “nakama-nders.”
One Piece: Straw Hat Future Bounties Post Wano, Ranked!
To be honest, I was expecting a bounty for Yamato, too, but since she decided to stay back in Wano to follow in Oden’s footsteps, I guess it’s fair enough.
Here are the new Straw Hat bounties, in order:
1. What is captain Luffy’s latest bounty?
Monkey D. Luffy’s post-Wano bounty is 3 billion berries for defeating the previous Yonko, Kaido, and for helping free Wano.

His previous bounty was 1.5 billion.
2. What is combatant Zoro’s latest bounty?
Swordmaster Zoro’s post-Wano bounty is 1,100,001,100 berries for defeating Kaido’s second-in-command, King the Conflagration.

This makes the ex-Pirate Hunter finally #2 in the crew.
3. What is helmsman Jinbe’s latest bounty?
Jinbe’s post-Wano bounty is 1.1 billion berries.

Despite being the newest member of the crew, Jinbe has already managed to bump off Sanji from the Monster Trio. This is of course because of our Knight of the Sea was a former Warlord, considered a major threat by the Government.
4. What is cook Sanji’s latest bounty?
Black-leg Sanji’s post-Wano bounty is 1,032,000,000 berries, putting him below Zoro aswell as Jinbe.

It goes without saying that Sanji is livid. Still, at least he’s part of the billions club.
5. What is archeologist Robin’s latest bounty?
Robin’s post-Wano bounty is 930 million berries.

Robin finally got the bounty she deserves – the Government considering her the Devil Child, the only person who can read the Poneglyphs.
6. What is sniper Usopp’s latest bounty?
God Usopp’s post-Wano bounty is 500 million berries, which makes him weep and plead for his bounty not to get any higher.

7. What is shipwright Franky’s latest bounty?
Shipwright Franky’s post-Wano bounty is 394 million berries, although unfortunately, his Wanted poster includes the Sunny’s figurehead instead of his own photo.

8. What is musician Brook’s latest bounty?

Soul King Brook’s post-Wano bounty is 383 million berries, which is a huge increase from his previous 83 million berries.
Nami’s post-Wano bounty is 366 million berries, which makes her sob tears of joy and say that even she’d go after someone with a bounty this high.

10. What is doctor Chopper’s latest bounty?
Doctor Chopper’s post-Wano bounty is 1000 berries – a full 900-berry increase!

Good to know Oda is still keeping up with this gag. It’s funny how the World Government knows Chopper is the crew doctor as well as a Yonko commander but still considers him a pet.
Cross Guild Bounties
Perhaps the most interesting part about chapter 1058 is the revelation of Buggy, Mihawk, and Crocodile’s bounties, along with the explanations the Navy gives for deciding on the bounties.
1. What is Buggy’s bounty?
Buggy’s bounty is 3.189 billion berries, which is higher than Luffy’s, which means the World Government considers him a higher threat that the person who carries the title of Joy Boy.
One Piece: All You Need to Know about Joy Boy’s Existence
The Marines consider Buggy a genius, the person that was the mastermind behind the escape from Impel Down, the guy who was a member of Pirate King Gol D. Roger’s crew along with current Yonko, Shanks.

Due to the delightful false narrative that is Buggy’s life, the Government believes that he was able to get Crocodile and Mihawk to yield to him, begin the Marine Hunting movement, and incite multiple rebellions around the world.
Buggy’s bounty is a joke, but when you think about it – not really.
2. What is Crocodile’s bounty?

Crocodile’s bounty is a whopping 1.965 billion for his insane Logia-type Suna Suna no Mi as well as his ability and guile developed as the former president of a crime syndicate, and his status as a former Warlord of the Sea.
3. What is Mihawk’s bounty?
Dracule Mihawk’s bounty is 3.59 billion berries, making his bounty higher than that of known Yonkos, including Big Mom, Buggy, and Luffy.
Mihawk’s gigantic bounty is absolutely fitting as he is the world’s greatest swordman, having skills more superior than even Red-Haired Shanks, who is a current Yonko.

Mihawk is also a former Warlord, and has a reputation of being a Marine Hunter. I love how Mihawk used to be called Marine Hunter and Zoro the Pirate Hunter.
Mihawk is the only person in this chapter who’s stood true to all the respect he’s gained throughout the series.
Marines Flashbacks
Another awesome thing about chapter 1058 is that it gives us flashback sequences involving the Marines and the world outside Wano.
The first is at Gloom Island, Mihawk’s former base. After the Warlord/Shichibukai system is dissolved, the Marines swarm the island and Mihawk preps to relocate.
In a call with Crocodile, the two decide to team up. Croc says,
The Navy wouldn’t take an organization headed by the two of us lightly! After all, they used to refer to you as Marine Hunter!
Crocodile goes on to convince Mihawk that the two of them are the same – they don’t trust anyone other than themselves.
The second flashback happens in Emptee Bluffs Island the island in the New World currently occupied by Buggy’s Delivery. Buggy is planning to make a break for it with all the Marine warships approaching. Just then, Crocodile arrives and begins sinking them one at a time.
Croc is merely there because Buggy owes him a whole load of cash, but Buggy’s men – as well as the Marines, which is important – assume that Crocodile has come to aid Buggy because he is working under him.
I’ll go into further detail about the Buggy and the Cross Guild shenanigans in my next article, but I just wanted to mention how these flashbacks lend to the bigger picture of how Buggy became a Yonko.
The Return of Dragon and Sabo
In the last part of the chapter, Oda gives us a special little something: the reappearance of the legendary Monkey D. Dragon, Luffy’s dad and the leader of the Revolutionary Army.
The scene takes place in the Kamabakka Queendom on the Grand Line, the island where the Revolutionary Island hold their base operations.

The Revolutionaries have returned safely from Mary Geoise after rescuing Kuma, but Sabo is still absent. The ones who’ve returned tell Koala and Dragon that Sabo is safe.
However, Dragon menacingly replies that if he comes to know that Sabo indeed killed Vivi’s dad, King Cobra, then he won’t forgive him. He then asks Kuma to give him a run down of everything he saw at Mary Geoise.
At the end of the chapter, a call comes in, with the Marines intercepting it because they think it might be the Flame Emperor. They’re right. Koala picks up, and it is indeed Sabo.
Chapter 1059 will give us more information about Sabo and the full truth about what happened during the Reverie.
About One Piece
One Piece is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It has been serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since July 22, 1997.
The man who had acquired everything in this world, the Pirate King, is Gol D. Roger. The final words he said at the execution tower were “My treasures? If you want it, I’ll let you have it. Look for it; I left all of it at that place.” These words sent many to the seas, chasing their dreams, headed toward the Grand Line, in search of One Piece. Thus began a new age!
Seeking to be the greatest pirate in the world, young Monkey D. Luffy also heads toward the Grand Line in search of One Piece. His diverse crew is joining him along the way, consisting of a swordsman, marksman, navigator, cook, doctor, archaeologist, and cyborg-shipwright, this will be one memorable adventure.
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