One Piece Episode 1035 might begin with the Kid versus Big Mom fight. Luffy will handle Kaido; yes he is down right now but he will come back of course. So Big Mom will be handled by Captain Kid. We are very excited about this match-up.
Kaido stated that Luffy’s usage of Conqueror’s Haki is still too unpolished. As our hero fell into the ocean, Kaido stated that Luffy could not become joyboy either.
Now, since we all know that Luffy will come back, will he work on perfecting his haki so that he can fight better? And how exactly will he get back? Onigashima is all the way up into the sky!

Chopper did a lot in this episode. He fought off Queen quite valiantly and then managed to save the Samurai from Perospero’s candy arrows. As the story progresses, his strength will decrease though. Chopper can’t finish off either of these two opponents. Hopefully, Sanji or Zoro will arrive in time to help him.
We see that Momonosuke is getting his headache again. The last time he got it was when Zunisha arrived. Can we expect something similar to happen in One Piece Episode 1035? And will Yamato be there with Momo when that happens? Let us see.
The Kanjuro Problem
The manga readers have faced it and now the anime watchers are facing it too. And that is Kanjuro being an annoyance. We have moved past the point where he can have some meaningful impact. And his moment to die has long passed us.
At this point, Kanjuro just keeps appearing like an annoying fly, and then we get the retarded fake deaths to bring fake sadness.
From the previews, we know that Kanjuro will return in One Piece Ep 1035 and annoy us with some unnecessary nonsense.
One Piece Episode 1035 Release Date
One Piece releases every Sunday at 9:30 AM JST in Japan. One Piece Episode 1035 will be coming out next week, on 2nd October 2022. We know the name of the episode will be “The Beasts Trampled! The End of the Kozuki Family”.
As the name suggests, the Kozuki family will be in trouble. That just means Momo’s life will be in danger again and we all know he will get saved. He already suffered a lot of torture.
Oda sensei is not going to give him more beatings.
Update: The episode has aired in Japan and the English subbed version will be available to watch worldwide soon. So stay tuned!
One Piece Chapter 1062 is also set to be published this week, do read it so that you are up to date with all the mangaverse news.
Where to Watch One Piece Ep 1035?
Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Netflix are the primary sources for watching One Piece Episode 1035. It differs from place to place. Also, the raw episode will be broadcasted on Fuji TV.
We recommend all fans watch the show via these legal channels and avoid any sort of anime piracy. Piracy is a huge hazard for this industry and can potentially bring the worst days for the medium.
One Piece Episode 1035 Spoilers
At the end of the current episode, we got the preview for One Piece Episode 1035. It showed that the Animal Kingdom Pirates have gained a lot of momentum and now, the alliance is in jeopardy. However, Chopper fights and tries to keep up the morale.

However, Momonosuke struggles with his headache while Kinemon faces a rising shadow in front of him. We hear that Kanjuro is returning once more to try and kill Momonosuke.
Now the question is whether the alliance will go down just like Luffy?!
One Piece Episode 1035 Minor Spoilers from Manga:
- Bao Huang will make the announcement on behalf of Kaido.
- She will declare that both the scabbards and strawhat have been defeated.
- Now, the Samurai have the option of joining the Beast Pirates if they want their lives spared.
- Kanjuro does reach Momo and Shinobu but there will be a kicker.
- He will disguise himself as Oden, thereby shocking everyone with his appearance.
- Kiku will try to fight him but in the end, she will hesitate to strike Oden.
- After all, he has taken care of Izou and her. This allows Kanjuro to deal a fatal blow to her.
- It will then be Kinemon’s job to put an end to Kanjuro.
- In the past, they had been the best of friends. It is only fitting that Kinemon is the one to do this.
Stay tuned with Orianime for all the latest One Piece news. Do let us know your thoughts about Luffy getting defeated in the comments down below.