Saitama is in his serious mode! We all love it when he does that. And guess what, Garou is in Saitama mode, and is throwing a Serious Punch of his own. We never expected someone to replicate Saitama! One Punch Man Chapter 167 will be so exciting when these fists clash!
Is this the end of Genos? Garou literally took out his core and handed it to Saitama! Genos has always been a great hero we do not want to lose him.
It is not sure if Garou is alive or dead after the last chapter.
Maybe OPM 167 will tell us if he can be reconstructed. His body can be changed but his soul must be protected for that!

What if Dr. Kuseno has a backup of his core that he can use to bring him back alive. There’s also a theory of reversing time, to bring Genos back.
One Punch Man Chapter 167 Release Date:
Let us take a look at the release of the upcoming chapter. Now, the official release has kind of caught up to the fan scans. Although, due to some naming issue, they are two chapters behind in name only.
Anyways, One Punch Man 167 raw scans should be released within July 10, 2022. They will arrive in the next issue of Shueisha’s Tonari no Young Jump. Remember, this is a seinen series!
And then, we will have the release of the English fan translations. We believe that within July 12, 2022, they will be available on the internet. You can google to find them.
The official English scans of One Punch Man Chapter 167, which will be named One Punch Man 165, will come out around 25th July, in the Shonen Jump app, Viz website, or the mangaplus site. Remember to read here, in order to support the creators, since they are legal.
Kingdom Chapter 726 and My Hero Academia Chapter 358 are also set to be published this week.
One Punch Man Manga 167 Theories
The presence of Blast is incredible. Yes, it has been undermined due to the Saitama vs Garou duel but we must not underestimate him. With relative ease, he handled Garou’s attacks!
He knows about God and deals with that level of beings! And right now, he is worried because he wants to protect Earth instead of fighting the villain in front. One Punch Man Chapter 167 spoilers might show him act up.
What is happening to the heroes?
Right at the beginning of the chapter, we see that the children are collapsing! As time passes, even the adults start to fall one by one. Bang and Blast realize that there is something evil in Garou.
And apparently, God is controlling our antagonist!
Humans are unable to tolerate the radiation, and Earth is in grave danger from this Divine Power. Hence, Blast asks him to go to another dimension. Cosmic beings can literally end Earth.
We will see if the humans survive in One Punch Man 167 raw scans.
What is Garou doing?
Somehow, Garou has retained his sanity. God controls his powers, but not his mind. And Garou accepts his abilities – he accepts the power and is now the symbol of evil and fear.
He plans to make humans change, and be good under his rule.
It is a nice motivation, but utterly misguided. Genos tries to end him but fails completely. Blast moves him to attack him repeatedly. However, Garou is strong enough to spar with Blast and not be affected. He tanks and parries easily!
However, Garou then proceeds to attack the weakened Genos and extracts his core. Genos is probably dead at this point. We will see his destroyed body and core in One Punch Man Chapter 167 spoilers.
Unfortunately for Garou, Saitama sees this. This death might have changed our hero forever.
What is Saitama doing?
Seeing the death of his beloved disciple, Saitama immediately goes into serious mode. This is different. Earlier, when Saitama used this mode, he just wanted to finish the opponent. There was no emotional factor.
But the death of Genos has him question his intuition and his role as a hero. Saitama feels an internal conflict and he is angry at himself for being late. Thus, in OPM 167, we expect to see him go to great lengths to defeat Garou.
Serious Punch is the strongest attack we have seen so far, but Garou is in Saitama Mode and he has launched the same attack. What will happen? We must read on to find out.
One Punch Man 167 Spoilers
We have just received the latest chapter, so it will be a while before the spoilers of One Punch Man Chapter 167 arrive. Fret not though, since we are actively scanning various forums to find leaks and spoilers.
When we do receive them, probably around July 15, 2022, we will post them in this section. Please be patient until then and wait for us. Use this time to check out some other articles we offer.
Small Webtoon spoiler: We expect this fight to continue for one whole chapter at least. We want to see more of the Serious Mode like Serious Headbutt and Serious Table flip and more.