One Punch Man Chapter 170: New Saga To Come Out Soon? Release Date & More!
The One Punch Man Chapter 170 was a conclusive chapter for the Garou Arc. One tried to warp up the things well in this chapter of the manga. It all gave a happy ending vibe to the manga fans. Moreover, the transformation of Garou has surprised the readers. The rehabilitation program by Garou is surely transforming him into a good person. Moreover, the future of Tareo is not in others’ hands now. He is able to live life in his own conditions. Tarou has gained confidence in life which is rare to watch in him before.
The next arc of the manga will land soon before the readers. The OPM manga is toward its culmination in a couple of years. One has already revealed that the manga will enter its final arc in upcoming years. The same goes with the One Piece manga. The departure of these legendary mangas will leave a big hole in the manga industry. However, the peak period of these mangas has come to an end. They have run the manga for more than ten years. The artistic creativity of One is also coming to an end. However, there are many more exciting OPM projects that will keep the manga alive in fans’ hearts’ after its departure. Check out the future, last chapter’s analysis, and future plot of the manga in the article below!

One Punch Man Chapter 170: A Conclusive Chapter!
The One Punch Man Chapter 170 was a conclusive chapter for the Garou Arc. The title of this new chapter was “What Was Gained”. However, the chapter truly justified the title of the manga. One has concluded the chapter in such a way that it all placed a smile on the readers’ faces. The chapter started with evil theories of Garou. He was stating the need for True evil rather than the need for a True Hero. However, readers come to know that he is attending a Dine and Dash investigation. Moreover, he was not answering the questions the investigator asked. Silver Fang then punched his head and ordered him to do the investigation. However, it came out that Silver Fang was guiding Garou in his rehabilitation program.
The manga then went to the end of a waterfall where Garou was sitting below it. But Silver Fang found his way to Garou and brought him to the city. However, Garou was not ready to agree that he wanted to be with Silver Fang. However, he did mention that he forgot everything secret from his memory after the one punch. Then Garou came to the topic of Tareo. Silver Fang then detailed Garou on the condition of Tareo. He has regained confidence in himself and living a great life with Narinki’s son. The panel then shifted to Saitama and Genos, who was picking up the clam on the beach. Conclusively, the end covered the conversation from Silver Fang’s office. He has resigned from the chief position and is planning to designate it to Garou after the rehabilitation.

What’s The Future Of The Text?
An official announcement came out on Twitter that the latest chapter of One Punch Man manga has ended. The new saga of the manga will come out in the upcoming months. But it is not clear if it will come soon or not. The official statement stated that the writer One of the titular manga is going on a one-month break. This means that the manga is possibly not returning anytime before two months. Moreover, the officials have not given any lead on any date of release. The announcement mentioned that the details regarding the release of the upcoming chapter of the manga would release after the one-month period. Moreover, the release details will also be dormant till then. Moreover, the future of the text is still running on speculations.
The fans have filled the comment sections with future theories after the end of the manga. Moreover, it is not clear the way of the story for the upcoming arc. Now the publishers have to set up a new villain in the manga strong enough to challenge the might of Saitama. However, One will make Garou disappear from the manga suddenly. The character of Garou might appear as the associate chief of Silver Fang’s company in the future. Moreover, there are possibilities that he will also take part in heroic activities. The ending of the previous chapter of the manga is also hinting at a family of Garou. Garou might appear alongside his family in the upcoming arc. The girl Kiiro Garou mentioned looks just like Garou’s mom. Moreover, he was shy about mentioning her. So it might be a possibility.

One Punch Man Chapter 170: Afterevents & More!
The first prominent event after the end of One Punch Man Chapter 170 is the release of OPM season 3. The anime will appear soon for the fans of the OPM anime. But, the release details of the new chapter of the manga are not clear. The officials have kept themselves silent on the release details of the new chapter of the manga. They stated that the release details would be updated in the future according to the orders from the High Command. Moreover, critics cannot see the return of the manga in a couple of months. It would take much more time than that for the manga’s return. However, The Anime Daily team is always here to update you with the latest outing. Keep yourself posted with our new articles for more such info!