Plunderer Chapter 82: Semi Finale, Schmelman’s End! Release Date & Plot
Plunderer Chapter 82 is set to come out this month, and the fans are filled with mixed emotions. In the most recent announcement, it was mentioned that the manga was going to end in the next three chapters. This pointed out that Chapter 83 is going to be the final chapter. Before the end could even get a release date, fans began to surf about a sequel story. For the penultimate outing, fans will get to see the aftermath of Schmelman’s death. Here is all that you need to know about the newest chapter.
In the next chapter, fans can hope to see the new world that is created by the children. It took a huge toll on Licht to defeat the villain. But forging the world of their dreams is going to be even more difficult.

Plunderer Chapter 82: What Will Happen Next?
The last couple of panels of the previous chapter showed a future the children had created on their own. This world had a bluer sky, a better place to reside, and a new calendar. Now that the villain has been defeated, the next chapter only has a few aspects of the story to look at. This includes the confession shared between Licht and Hina that is yet to take place in the story. Aside from this, even though Schmelman is the villain of the story, he still has significance as the main lead.
Thus, his funeral will also be played in Plunderer Chapter 82. Saying goodbye to the man who tampered with time in all the ways would not be easy. The chapter will also feature the final setup for the finale of the series. Is there a possibility of a new manga? Only the finale episode can tell that.

Previous Chapter Recap!
In the 81st chapter of Plunderer, the fight between Licht and Schmelman continued to astound everyone. Licht was hoping that he was going to win the fight. But things were not moving in his favor. As he was about to make the big move over him, he found Schmelman standing right behind him. Licht looked down and saw a sword plunge right through his heart. Due to the ice sword, his entire body was beginning to freeze.
But they had just the right idea to attack Mochi and use him as bait. His father was overwhelmed to meet his son. The final scene of the chapter was the most heart-rendering scene to go through. The fight had come to a point where every character had tears in their eyes. Towards the end of the chapter, Schmelman put his guard down, and the children managed to win the match.

Plunderer Chapter 82: Release Date
Schmelman Bach is yet to find an easy way out of the world. After Plunderer Chapter 82, only one more chapter will be left in the manga. So, what will happen in the conclusion? The next chapter will release with all the answers in the month of April. As of now, the solid date of the release of the translated version has not been confirmed. We will be sure to update this section as soon as there is more update on the same. Thus, stay in touch with The Anime Daily to get more updates on the same.