Today we will be discussing the upcoming One Piece 983. The fans are extremely excited by this ongoing raid. Every chapter sets up the upcoming fights properly, while showing amazing character interactions and early clashes.
Once again, One Piece was trending – within 2 hours of the release of its fan translations, #onepiece982 became trending. The chapter has a huge amount of character introductions and a whole of intensity that can be development in One Piece 983.
What will happen between Luffy, Ulti, and Page One? Will they fight or will the two parties move on to their separate paths? Where is Zoro? Why isn’t he following Luffy? Maybe he got lost, again. Is Kidd still fighting Apoo? Our Supernovas are in tight positions and it can develop into a very chaotic ordeal.

Now Orochi and Kaido are aware of the whole plan and are expecting the Samurai. Will the Oniwabanshu manage to defeat them all? What will be Momo’s fate? What will be the fate of the remaining strawhats? The upcoming One Piece Chapter 983 might answer a lot of questions.
One Piece is currently in the midst of Wano Arc with Act III progressing in full force. Our heroes are spread in the enemy territory and pretty soon, hell will let loose in Oniganshima. The noose around Kaido’s neck is tightening steadily but will it be able to kill him or will it snap?
What happened in Chapter 982?
Chapter 982: Ruffian meets Ruffian
Black Maria doesn’t move out to find Yamato; instead she hangs around Kaido and drinks with him and Orochi. Kaido doesn’t mind as it is a day of celebration. Orochi is full of joy, being able to wipe out the Kozuki retainers.
Orochi informs Kaido that Kanjuro has ended his role and is returning. Kaido muses if Oden passed on any information about Laugh Tale to his retainers but decides to believe Kanjuro’s denial of it. At this moment, Kanjuro fights his way into the room.
Kanjuro explains his late arrival and how he had to fight his way through Kaido’s crew. He delivers Momonosuke to. Momo is severely beaten up – he tired to escape by cutting his rope but Kanjuro beat him until he couldn’t move – but he is still alive.
Kaido still remembers both of them from 20 years ago and is disappointed in Momo. Orochi is overjoyed. He knows that Momo is the leader of the rebellion and plans a public crucifixion for the kid. However, he is shocked to know that the plan to foil the rebellion has failed.
Kanjuro informs him about the events but Fukurokujo calms down Orochi. He says that the whole Oniwabanshu is there to stop the samurai and Queen is handling the Pirate Captains. Orochi is desperate to see them all dead. Momo wonders if they are all right.
Elsewhere, Nekomamushi contacts Inuarashi informing him of his arrival. The scabbards are all glad about it. Law informs that they are set on their course, avoiding the currents. On the other side, Nekomamushi and his Mink Troops are happy to see Marco. Marco had no idea of Wano’s situation and wants to help.
Marco asks Neko to discard his previous message to Luffy as now he is joining the battle himself. The message to Luffy said that Marco might be late but he will definitely be there for him.
In Onigashima, Sasaki chances on Kyoshiro’s group. He informs about the search for Yamato. There was a gate present, blocking the path, but Kyoshiro overcame the obstacle. He also locked up and gagged Sasaki. He displays the Kozuki loyalty tattoo on his back! Then, Kyoshiro sends some of his troops towards the dome and uses the rest to go back, bust like Kinemon did.
At Kinemon’s side, Big Mom chases Chopper and Usopp. They attack with the tank but it is useless. However, they lead her away from the troops and they can escape from her without trouble. Nami, Carrot and Shinobu notices this but they can do nothing to help. They try to move away but Prometheus discovers them and calls Mama.
Inside Kaido’s keep, Page One and Ulti are searching for Yamato. Ulti tries to ride on Page One and they fall down. Standing in front of them is none other than Luffy himself. Luffy and Ulti glare at each other.
One Piece 983 Spoilers:
What will be the fate of Momo? Will he be crucified? How will that affect everything? We believe Orochi will put Momo up for the execution. It will be a public one. If it is carried out successfully, the raid will definitely fail. Momo is the beacon of hope for the samurai. He is the leader, the youngest Kozuki left. If he dies, the raid fails.
This is why, we believe in One Piece Manga 983, Luffy will learn about this upcoming ordeal. He will rush in and save Momo at the right time. He won’t let Momo face a similar fate as Yasuie. And when he does save Momo, the main attack will begin. Beast Pirates will attempt to kill him and his allies, who are disguised, will start fighting and protecting the two of them.
In One Piece 983, we might get to see a minor clash between Page One – Ulti and Luffy. But it has thin chances as they might not know who he is. Or they might choose to ignore him based on some other development. Fans are really excited about this.
Now that Denjiro and Kinemon are free, they will probably be successful in setting themselves up in proper position and they will be ready to go at any time. Kinemon will not face any more trouble but Denjiro might face some friction from Sasaki’s crew. They are looking for Yamato but if they see their caption incapacitated, they will go violent.
We can expect major clashes between the Oniwabanshu and the Samurai rebels. These ninjas have always been troublesome and it will probably be Raizo or Shinobu who takes out a chunk of their forces.
Usopp, Chopper, Nami and Carrot are in deep trouble. Their only advantage is that Big Mom will be torn between which duo to attack in One Piece Chapter 983. She can either return to face Nami or she can continue chasing the tank. She took no damage from its attack but she is angry. Knowing her impulsive nature, she will probably go after the tank.
We believe the other straw hats will come to the rescue. Jinbe is strong enough to hold her back for some time. With support from others, maybe they will be able to escape her barely. Still, this doesn’t change the fact that Usopp and Chopper are in grave danger.
Sanji is completely separated from everyone. This is the perfect chance for him to do a last minute rescue, like he usually does. Sanji has always been able to save the day – like him rescuing Usopp from Jabura – and for a long time he hasn’t done that properly. So this is a great chance for him to act like his normal self.
Black Clover 245 spoilers and My Hero Academia 276 will be releasing on the same day as One Piece upcoming Chapter, so make sure to check them out too.
One Piece Battle Theories:
We are back with another matchup in the upcoming war. The number of players keep increasing slowly and some matchups are starting to seem obvious. Today we will discuss a battle that conforms with traditional One Piece writing.
Luffy will be the one to fight Kaido’s All-Star, Jack.
There are two reasons why we think this matchup is inevitable. The first one is that Luffy is the one who fights the strongest man in any arc; but he also fights the fourth strongest as a preparatory type of move.
- In Enies Lobby, Luffy fought Lucci the strongest and Blueno the fourth toughest.
- In Alabasta, Luffy fought Crocodile the strongest and Mr 3 the fourth highest.
- In Skypiea, Luffy defeated Enel and Satori, the top and fourth strongest.
- Similarly, we know in Wano, he will fight the strongest of all, Kaido. But before that, he will defeat Jack, the fourth strongest man in the Beast Pirates.
There second reason is that Luffy vs Jack has been built up since the Zou arc. These two are deeply wary of each other. Oda has constantly hinted that they will fight each other. Luffy even said himself that he will defeat Jack. And whenever Luffy says that he will beat someone, he keeps his word. So this matchup is a very much possible.
Credits to One Piece Youtuber, Mr. Morj.
One Piece Chapter 983 Raw Scans and Release Date:
Long with the upcoming issue of Weekly Shonen Jump, One Piece Manga 983 raw scans will be released. The date for this is June 17, 2020. We will try our best to get these raw scans for you as swift as possible. So remember to check out our website.
One Piece Spoilers often get leaked early so remember to check out our spoilers discussion articles. The raw scans, which are in Japanese will be translated by various scanlators. They will take around 2 days or less to release the fan translated versions. The date will be June 19, 2020.
Lastly, One Piece Chapter 983 official English translations and high definition scans will be available on 21 June 2020. They will be available on Viz and Mangaplus website and the Shonen Jump app. We strongly urge you to read from there and also, buy the One Piece volumes.
One Piece Episode 930 will be coming back soon as well, meanwhile, check our article on Solo Leveling 111 and stay tuned for all the upcoming spoilers and raw scans details for the upcoming Chapter 983 here.