One Piece fans are extremely excited at the prospect of getting to know Yamato. Yamato’s first impression has been an absolute shock to everyone! Everyone is excited to read One Piece 984 and it will hopefully tell us more about this amazing new addition to the cast.
Ulti is becoming the most popular Tobi Roppo. Her lively personality and now her colorful clash with Luffy has endeared her to a lot of fans. Here is a meme we found on Reddit.

One Piece Manga 984 will probably proceed a bit with the crucifixion. It looks like the execution of Momo is not taking much time and the events are getting kicked into the next gear. At this point, the rebels are still getting into position and it is unsure, who will be the first to react.
One Piece is currently in its Wano Arc. This will probably be the arc that draws a conclusion to the immensely big Yonko Saga that has captured nearly all of the Post-Timeskip arcs. Wano is currently in its third act and fans are predicting that there will be five acts in total and for the fans waiting for One Piece Episode 930, it will be released next week.
One Piece 983 Recap:
In the cover art, we see Lola and Chiffon finally reunited with their father, Pound.
At the waterfall outside Wano, Perorin uses his Candy fruit ability to travel to Wano. He is alone and is coming for Marco, King and Luffy particularly. He is not happy about the alliance either. He thinks that when the dust settles, it will be the Big Mom Pirates, who will survive.
In Onigashima, outside Black Maria’s brothel, Usopp and Chopper are in the tank. Big Mom has stopped chasing them and went after Nami instead. Big Mom attacked the tank once and it transformed into a humanoid model! However, they are not so worried as Sanji is there at the brothel and can protect Nami and Carrot.
With Big Mom misdirected, Kinemon was able to escape safely. Usopp and Chopper headed back. But inside the brothel, Prometheus sings and notifies Big Mom of Nami’s location. They want to retake Zeus back from her. Nami is worried as Sanji is trying to protect the prostitutes.
Big Mom is not worried. She knows where they are headed and instead, gives life to a bunch of objects to follow her.
At the Skull dome stage, Momonosuke is tried to a cross and his identity and execution is announced. Zoro is busy fighting Gifters – they number around 500. The gifters ask him to give up on his dreams and follow Kaido. Kidd and his crew are in a similar situation, trying to break through the Beast Pirate ranks.

Ulti is worried about Page One and tries to shift blame. Apparently, she had rode him down the stairs like a shed. She gets mad at Luffy and he declares who he is. Ulti declares that Kaido will be Pirate King and attacks Luffy with a headbutt.
The clash damages the Beast Pirate fodders and they are amazed by her abilities. However, Ulti and Page One realize how strong Luffy is and transform into Dinosaurs – they are devil fruit users. Page One is Spinosaurus and Ulti is Pachycephalosaurus.
Luffy blitzes Ulti; grabbing her by the horns, he slams her into the floor. He immediately uses Elephant Gun to knock out Page One. Ulti grabs him and Luffy prepares to release Gear 4. At this moment, a guy arrives and uses Thunder Bagua to knock out Ulti.
This guy is Yamato. He is very tall and slender. He wears an Oni-mask. He has shackles on his arm and a dress similar to Oden. His weapon is a long mace. He immediately takes Luffy and flees since the others are trying to catch him on Kaido’s orders.
Luffy senses no hostility from him and goes along. Yamato reveals that he is Kaido’s son and has been waiting for Luffy the whole time!
Read One Piece 984 Spoilers:
Let us look at this comparison. Like father, like son. Kaido’s attack put Luffy in danger while Yamato’s attack rescued Luffy from danger.
A huge number of One Piece fans are loving the similarities between Oden and Yamato. Yamato has become an instant fan favorite. It might be true that Yamato is like a second coming of Oden and maybe that’s why Kaido hides him. Fans are wishing that Yamato would join the straw hats, instead of Carrot.
#OnePiece983 Odens son turned into a dragon and Kaidos son turned into Oden, man Wano is crazy
— Jakubi (@jakubi99) June 19, 2020
One Piece 984 will probably reveal why Yamato was waiting for Luffy. It’s a tricky situation. Luffy senses no danger from him but he now knows that Yamato is the son of his greatest enemy. What will he do? We believe Luffy will follow his gut and trust Yamato.
Now let us look elsewhere. By now, Kinemon and Denjiro must be pretty close to their destinations and ready to launch their attacks soon. However, Nami and Carrot are in a serious predicament. They have no idea how to lose Big Mom and what to do when she catches up.
We believe, One Piece Chapter 984 will show Sanji’s interactions with prostitutes and Nami coming up with a plan to hide. We all know that Sanji is the chivalrous knight that comes to rescue in the nick of time. So he will probably appear in time to face off against Big Mom and protect his comrades.
Earlier, Sanji gave his raid suit up for modifications. We believe, he will arrive again, this time with the newly modified raid suit. It will probably give him back his classic suited look and black legs. He will face off against Big Mom.
In One Piece Manga 984, we will probably see that Kidd has managed to hide once more after fighting his way through hoards of Beast Pirates. However Zoro’s fate is unknown. While he doesn’t really seem to be in trouble, the constant influx of Gifters is draining his stamina and annoying him a lot.
Lastly, Momonosuke’s execution is about to happen. There can be 2 main possibilities here – either Kaido will interrupt it because of his personal interest in Oden; Momonosuke might transform into a dragon or awaken Conqueror Haki involuntarily. If he does transform, there will be great chaos and Kaido will probably investigate into it. Chapter 984 might be where we finally get to know more about Momo’s secret.
The other possibility is that Orochi will go forth with the execution and that will trigger a full fledged battle – the Wano War we are all waiting for. At this point, Luffy might not be the one who interferes first so it will be very interesting to see what comes next.
One Piece Battle Theories:
We are back with another battle matchup. This time, we are bringing in two groups – The Akazaya versus The Oniwabanshu.
Akazaya were close to Oden and stayed by him till he died. However, Fukurokujo and his Oniwabanshu abandoned Oden when there was a shift in airs. Ending the life of Fukurokujo and his group will be a great milestone for the Akazaya. We will definitely see their clash soon.
Before you go, we would like to address another issue:
This guy points out how Luffy might have trouble facing Kaido because he has to use Gear 4 to handle Ulti. But there is a reason. Ulti is a Tobi Roppo, meaning she is good enough to be a calamity, so she is very strong. Plus, Luffy must end the fight quickly, lest he draw more attention.
Other than that, we pointed out in our theory article – Luffy still has his advanced armament haki to face Kaido and it is high time for him to awaken the Gomu Gomu no Mi. So he still has a lot in his arsenal to face Kaido, not to mention, he will be assisted by the other Captains.
One Piece Chapter 984 Release Date:
For a long time, One Piece has had a set pattern about taking breaks – 1 break every three chapters. While this was disrupted by the COVID-induced lockdown, when the manga became biweekly, we are now back to the old pattern.
Being delayed, there will be no chapter next week. One Piece will be on a break. So that ends it for June. One Piece Manga 984 raw scans will be released on 1st July, 2020. It will be the release of Shonen Jump Issue #31. After that, we can expect the scanlations to arrive – French and then English. They will be released within July 3, 2020.
The Official English version for One Piece 984 will be available legally in 3 places – the Viz media website, the Mangaplus website, and the Shonen Jump app. These are the official translations and the scans are HD quality. The date for this is July 5, 2020.
Also the My Hero Academia Season 5 and Dragon Ball Super Season 2 release dates will be announced soon as well online for everyone to check.