A new addition to both the female and male cast – Yamato is the latest sensation of everyone. Fans are really excited, now that nearly all the rebels are in position. We have steadily progressed – from the Akazaya stranded at the Port, to the Rebel force merged into the enemy forces, ready to attack anytime. One Piece 985 will show grand developments.
It seems One Piece will be on a break quite a few times. Here’s the schedule for July and August.

We were supposed to get 7 chapters, but we are only getting 6 including One Piece Chapter 985, meaning a 3 week gap in the midst. Nevertheless, we can get to Chapter 1000 in 2020 if the number of breaks are normal.
Yamato’s latest popularity has harmed Ulti. Fans have instantly jumped ship. So who do you think is the best – Ulti, Yamato or Black Maria? Remember, Yamato is a man in a female body!
We have a special theory in the Discussion section below, so don’t skip it and also check our Black Clover 287 and My Hero Academia 278 chapter.
One Piece Battle Theories:
A short bout between Marco and Perorin! Marco has been out of action for a while and needs to gear up – he just went out to check out the shadow! Perorin is angry at Marco and steadily heading towards Onigashima. Pretty soon, they will come head to head.
So a short battle between them will happen. It will probably occur in One Piece 985 or 986. We believe Marco will win by knocking Perorin away, but knowing how sticky Perorin is (pun intended), he will probably return and cause trouble later on.
One Piece Chapter 985 Release Date:
Due to the Break next Week, One Piece 985 is delayed. Apparently this is a break taken by Oda himself. Plus there will be 2 WSJ issued breaks. In case you didn’t know, Oda has been drawing for years at a stretch, with declining health. So WSJ offered him to submit 3 chapters per month.
One Piece Manga Chapter 985 Raw Scans will be available on 15 July 2020, in the new issue of Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump. These will be taken by scanlation teams. On 17 July 2020, the fan-translated versions will be released – French, English, Korean, and so on.
On 19 July 2020, Chapter 985 Official English Scans will be available. They will be uploaded on Viz, Mangaplus, and Shonen Jump app. These are HD scans and will be included in upcoming Volumes.
Read One Piece 985 Spoilers & Predictions
Other than the legal way, there is always piracy. Panels or pages are often leaked and uploaded – twitter, reddit, imgur, arlongparkforums, etc are places where we find them. We try to best to get these as they are the primary sources of spoilers.
How do you think Luffy and Yamato will proceed? What is their next move? Will Who’s Who find Yamato? Will Ulti find Yamato? When will the war break out? One Piece 985 will be the answers to so many questions, and it will be the place where new questions will be raised. We will find out soon.
Now the Predictions and Discussion:
There are 2 paths to the back of Onigashima! It seems like the top one takes us to Kaido’s castle. The bottom one is probably to some secret place or maybe the live stage – we’ll find out soon. In One Piece 985, we will probably see Law’s group getting divided, with the Akazaya members heading upstairs for Kaido.

Marco will probably find Perorin soon. Or maybe its an entirely different ordeal! It was said to be a shadow figure. Seems like Perorin but Oda might be misleading us.
Page One and Ulti both missed Luffy and Yamato. It seems like they blew their chance and won’t get another. One Piece 985 might show us Who’s Who finding them, as his crew is out there searching all places. Or maybe one of the sneaky Oniwabanshu ninjas will notice their presence. Either way, Luffy won’t be hidden for long.
Who’s Who Pirates seems to be the Cat Family models. Maybe they ate the Neko-Neko SMILE fruit. We believe Who’s Who will be one of the stronger members of the cat families – like a Bengal Tiger maybe! Makes us even more hyped about Who’s Who vs Queen theory.
We got a great irony as well. Kaido’s son follows Oden. Oden’s son is a dragon like Kaido. Kaido was searching for Oden’s journal amongst the Akazaya and Momonosuke. But the irony is that the journal was with Kaido’s own child all along. He should have looked in-house.
Lastly, Momo’s execution. Even though the Beast crewmates are all ridiculing Orochi’s theory, that vile man will definitely go forward with the public execution. Fortunately, our rebels are mostly in position. They can attack at a moment’s notice.
One Piece 985 will probably have everyone set in position, with most of the samurai blended in. The war will break out as soon as Momo’s execution starts. Meanwhile, Big Mom’s rampage can serve as a good distraction for all to break in. However, Nami and Carrot need immediate help. We believe Sanji will step in.
Now check this out.
Who’s This? #OnePiece #onepiece984 pic.twitter.com/1KglmIoCmH
— Ken Adams (@OPfanatic2020) July 4, 2020
- Pic 1 shows Izo in One Piece Chapter 985. He is wearing a flower-shaped cloth on his back. Not striped.
- Now check Pic 2. Who is wearing that striped cloth? We concluded it isn’t Izo. Who could it be
- Now check Pic 3. A crew member of Whitebeard, associated with Roger as well – his back is shown, and he wears a hat like Kawamatsu.
- Maybe this is another one of Whitebeard’s crewmates, dare I say, his First-mate!
Positions of the Rebel Alliance:
Strawhats: Luffy in attic. Zoro near live stage. Sanji near Maria’s brothels. Nami and Carrot running towards live stage. Usopp and Chopper headed towards live stage. Jinbe and Robin blended in. Franky and Brooke not found.
Kid Pirates are near the live stage and they started to move out. Apoo is probably chasing them.
Heart Pirates are divided – Law and a few others are in back of Onigashima. The rest are submerged in ocean.
The samurai that broke off from both flanks are already blended in live stage. Denjiro’s main party has arrived nearby. Kinemon is approaching destination soon.
The rest of the Akazaya and Izo are at the back of Onigashima. Marco is heading out to the ocean.
Lastly, here’s what happened in the last One Piece manga chapter.
One Piece 984 Recap:
“My Bible”
Page One and Ulti have taken damage. However, they can still move freely and have a lot of fight left in them. The Beast Pirate lackeys are amazed by their grit. Ulti exclaims that Yamato is a lot weaker than Kaido. She moves on to find them.
Yamato and Luffy are clashing – Yamato wants him to wait and listen. Luffy wants to go ahead as he doesn’t have a lot of time. Yamato finds Luffy’s fighting to be a familiar memory. Their battle causes a blast and the beast Pirates loose sight of them. Page One is a little too late to arrive.
In the Skull Dome Stage, Momonosuke is introduced. Orochi tells everyone about their time travel caused by Toki. But the Beast Pirates laugh at his proposition and say that Momo is a normal kid. However, these brutal pirates want to torture and kill him.
Turns out, the allies have already reached the Stage and have blended in as Beast Pirate members. Jinbe and Robin are together, acting brash. They are both waiting for the right time to save Momo. Meanwhile, Law and the scabbards reach the back of the island.
Using Room, Law transports the fights to the island and the rest of his members take the submarine into deep waters. Law notices that there are 2 entrances. Just then, Nekomamushi drops in. Izo and Marco follow. It is a lovely reunion amongst the retainers of Oden. Kiku is happy to see her brother. Marco decides to check out a suspicious shadow he noticed on the sea.
In a hidden attic, Luffy sits with Yamato. Having fled from the chasers, Luffy is ready to listen. Yamato tells how he wanted to become like Oden and Kaido beat him. He was present during Oden’s Hour of Execution. He cried as Oden died. Later, he found Oden’s journal in Kuri.
Yamato wants to carry the will of Oden and has decided to open the borders of Wano. He wants Luffy to assist him. Yamato takes off his mask and turns out, it’s a woman. Yamato is actually Kaido’s daughter – but she chose to be a man, because Oden is a man. Luffy reminded Yamato of Ace!
Solo Leveling Anime and Dragon Ball Super Season 2 Release date will soon be announced, so keep an eye out while you wait for the upcoming One Piece Chapter to get released online.