Reality Quest Chapter 34: Do-Wan Will Come To Rescue! Know Release Date

Reality Quest Chapter 34 will deal with the aftermath of the deadly battle. In the previous episode, Do-Wan received a task to save Ji-han. That let him worried about his pal. However, he somehow managed to reach the location. He had a furious battle against Gu-Min and his group. Although he had hit everyone yet, one of Gu-Min’s friends was still there.

Now in Chapter 34, Do-Wan will have to battle alone with Gu-Min’s expensive friend named Kim Ganj-Jae. He will give a tough fight to Do-Wan. But Do-Wan will somehow manage to tackle this person. Later he will approach Gu-Min and have a word with Jin-Han. Will Jin-Han reveal his bond with Gu-Min? Keep reading to know more.

Reality Quest Chapter 34

Reality Quest Chapter 34: What Will Happen Next?

Kim Ganj-Jae wakes up in the middle of his sleep when Gu-Min tells Ji-Han that he, too, has an expensive friend like Do-Wan. No doubt he was pointing at Kim Ganj-Jae, who seemed frustrated. In Reality Quest Chapter 34, Do-Wan and Ganj-Jae will have a deadly battle. Although Do-Wan survived others’ attacks, it would be hard for him to deal with Ganj-Jae. But it doesn’t mean that he can’t stand against him.

He will give Ganj-Jae a tough fight and will finally win the battle. After knocking out Ganj-Jae, Do-Wan will approach Gu-Min. They will fight when Ji-Han tries his best to stop it. However, poor Ji-Han has to wait till Do-Wan finishes his task. He will also ask to Gu-Min about his resentment towards Ji-Han. Apart from this, Do-Wan will also ask to Ji-Han about their friendship and how Gu-Min and Ji-Han ended their friendship in Reality Quest Chapter 34.

Reality Check Chapter 34

A Quick Recap!

In Reality Quest Chapter 33, Ji-Han reminisced about the time when he was in middle school. He visited her mom at the hospital. Both mother and son had a nice conversation. His mother also praised him. She admired her son’s look in the middle school uniform in Reality Quest Chapter 33. When Ji-Han decided to leave, he ran into Gu-Min, who was also there to visit his mom. From that day, they became friends. But their friendship didn’t last.

Soon the scene shifted to the present time. In chapter 32, Gu-Min and his friends forcefully took Ji-Han with him, where Gu-Min hit him hard. Do-Wan tried to find him, and luckily, he heard someone’s words and decided to follow them. It helped him to reach Ji-Han. Soon he indulged in a fight, and Ji-Han was surprised to see Do-Wan in a fighting mode. He knocks down the opponents only with one shot.

Reality Quest Chapter 34

Reality Quest Chapter 34: Release Date

Reality Quest doesn’t follow an even release pattern. Thus it’s quite tricky to guess when chapter 34 will release. But deeming the past chapters’ release date, we can expect that Reality Quest Chapter 34 will release on May 17, 2022. Stay tuned. The Anime Daily will keep you updated.