Chapter 63 of Reality Quest: Do Wan vs. the Dragon! Release Date & Plot
Reality Quest Chapter 63 has fans on edge because of Do Wan’s inclusion in Sinlim-Dong. Although he did his best to manage Sehee’s illness, the situation is very different now. He is now far too powerful to deal with a school gang, having just defeated the leader and members of the World Gang. The question is whether or not he can successfully eliminate his opponents with a single blow. Stay with me here and I’ll tell you more.
Do Wan’s other mission will be covered in the next chapter. After the high school tries to make a mess of the council’s life, he must fight back to save himself and to teach them a valuable lesson. But when dealing with their superior, he must outsmart them.
What Will Happen Next in Reality Quest Chapter 63?
Do Wan’s latest mission will serve as the focal point of the next chapter. His success is enhanced by the fact that he has defeated twelve students from Cheongryong High School. The special ability, however, won’t become available until he has killed nearly all of the junior guards. In turn, this will increase his speed and vitality, allowing him to keep up a good performance even as he tires.
It won’t be long before Do Wan figures out how to take care of everyone at once. Fighting prowess will be put to use as he dispatches the dragon lair’s protectors. Unfortunately, tracking down the Dragon won’t be a breeze. Before he can talk to the boss, he needs to track down the guards and kill them. Do Wan will eventually make his way to the Dragon and slaughter him for the reward and a boost to his power.

A Quick Summary
Reality Quest Chapter 62 established that Do Wan was presented with the option of joining Sinlim-Dong rather than continuing to serve the bullying council. He was relieved to seize the chance. There was a catch to this chance, though. He was tasked with eliminating everyone at Cheongryong High. All the bullies who aren’t being reined in by their teachers or parents own the school. But Dragon, their boss, was the only one who got any respect from them. In order to take over the entire school, So Do Wan had to first depose their boss.
In any case, he didn’t understand why Sinlim-Dong couldn’t outperform the academy. Did their boss really have that much clout? True, but his elder let him in on the secret that they never asked him to join their council. However, word from within the group revealed that the school had plans to counteract their efforts. The reason Do Wan was chosen to lead the entire institution was because of this. Upon entering the school, he was briefed on his new mission and the reward he would receive for defeating the students. Do Wan’s interest in the quest had grown.

Chapter 63 of Reality Quest: The Release Date
Do Wan will keep ahead of the competition until he reaches the Dragon. On December 2, 2022, you can read Reality Quest Chapter 63 to find out. Naver Webtoon and the Kakao page both feature.