Record of Ragnarok Chapter 45 will be starting the fight between Lord Buddha and Zerofuku or Zero (The merged seven gods). Raw scans and spoilers have been released, you can check them below
In the last chapter we saw that the seven lucky gods were very angry over Buddha’s decision. Firastly Bishamonten was considered Buddha’s opponent but after Zeus’s visit the planned changed. Heimdall was also confused over seeing seven gods at once and asked others to leave excapt Bishamonten.

Zeus said to Heimdall that they are not seven, they are one, and then these seven gods started the ritual of combining into one body. Bishamonten, Ebisu, Budai Takeshi, Benzaiten, Jurojin, Fukurokuju, and Daikokuten join together to form the divine Zero form. More to be revealed in Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Chapter 45.
Recently Record of Ragnarok Anime was announced. If you want to know all the details about the upcoming Record of Ragnarok anime you can check them here.
Record of Ragnarok Chapter 45 Release Date
Record of Ragnarok Chapter 45 Raw scans have been released. Though we will have to wait some time for the English translations and these translations will come in around 2 to 3 days. So, you can enjoy the raw scans until the english translation for the lastest chapter comes out.
Record of Ragnarok Chapter 45 Release Date | 25th March 2021 |
Record of Ragnarok Chapter 45 English Translations Release | 28-29 March 2021 |
Record of Ragnarok Chapter 45 Raw Scans
Record of Ragnarok Chapter 45 Raw Scans has been released. We are attaching all the available raw scans and leaked images below. We will update the article if we receive more info on Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Chapter 45.
Some raw scans are in low quality, better use a mobile device to read them. More Raw scans will be added as soon as they get released so bookmark this article and keep checking.
Record of Ragnarok Chapter 45 Spoilers
- The fight between Lord Buddha and The seven merged gods (Zero) has started.
- Buddha is looking promising as he kicks Zero.
- Zero’s weapon has been revealed and it looks like an axe.
- Zero is shown as the god who has absorbed misfortune for a very long time and has changed now.
- The story goes to past in Asia where some gods were there and Reifuku, a kind-hearted from heaven came to earth and saw humans struggling.
- Zero decided to absorb these humans’ misfortune to save these humans.
- Zero was a god of fortune but these things changed him.
- Zero shouts at Buddha and asks why people around him look so happy.
- Buddha replies that you can not make them happy by just taking out their misery. Happiness is something that comes from the heart.
- Zero became jealous of Buddha and his kindness turned into hate.
- This is how the seven gods of fortune were created and then a new god emerged containing these seven.
- Zero seeks revenge for what happened in the past.
- Buddha does not remember the series of these events from past.
These are all the available spoilers for Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Chapter 45 now. Everything will be clear once the English translations with exact dialogues come out. Till then enjoy these raw scans and spoilers and patiently wait for the English translations.
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