Record Of Ragnarok Chapter 45 Raw Scans, Spoilers Release Date

Betrayal! We all hate it when it happens to us. But in a story, a well-executed betrayal is one of the most enjoyable things ever. Buddha changing sides at the moment of truth threw everyone off. Fans are very excited to read Record of Ragnarok Chapter 45, which will showcase the wrath of the gods.

Record of Ragnarok is also known as Shuumatsu no Walkure. It is a Japanese manga written by Shinya Umemura and Takumi Fukui. And it is illustrated by Ajichika. It is a seinen series published in Monthly Comic Zenon.

This series has gathered enough fame to have an anime series already!

Some are already getting their second season like Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 while we are waiting for Record Of Ragnarok Season 1.

Fights between gods and men – truly Ragnarok. 13 Warriors from each side are set to face each other in the deadliest of battles. Weapons of choice are allowed for all. But the gods are too strong!

Record Of Ragnarok Chapter 45

Humans gain the edge when Valkyries dedicate their lives to being godly weapons which can be wielded by these humans – thus giving them a fair chance!

Round 6. Buddha vs Zero! Record of Ragnarok 45 will be where this amazing matchup begins their clash. Surely, everything in heaven and earth will be shaken up. This is not a standard fight, this is actually a god fighting 8 gods merged into 1!

Record of Ragnarok 45 Raw Scans Release Date:

Record of Ragnarok Manga 45 raw scans will be out in about 7 days. We expect the date to be 28th March 2021. These scans will be lifted directly from the pages of Monthly Comic Zenon manga.

The series does not have an official English translation yet. Fan translations are quite fast. They should be up within 29 March, 2021. These are illegal though.

If you do know Japanese, we suggest you to buy the volumes. The series needs more support. Normally we wouldn’t recommend piracy, but in this case you have no choice.

Black Clover 287 and My Hero Academia Chapter 307 will also be published this week and will be available for everyone to read.

Record of Ragnarok 45 Spoilers:

The spoilers of Record of Ragnarok Chapter 45 will be out anytime now. We will update you about them as soon as we get a hint of them anywhere.

Until then, keep an eye on our website. Obviously, the spoilers will be uploaded in this section.

Record of Ragnarok Chapter 45 Discussion:

Every time a human lost, a Valkyrie sister died. It is Brunhilde and Goll, who show us the suffering and the strength of these 13 sisters.

Record of Ragnarok 45 raw will probably show them happy since none of the sisters will die in round 6! Buddha doesn’t need a Valkyrie weapon after all.

Why is Buddha choosing the side of Mankind?

Buddha is shown to be an arrogant man of immense pride. He openly declared his choice, saying that he will kill a god, making an enemy of every god present. While Shiva and Thor took it sportingly, most of them didn’t. Odin became furious! The whole stadium was thrown into chaos.

Buddha is his own man – no one controls him. Throughout heaven and earth, he alone, is the honored one, the strongest. And he is exceedingly smart. He always had an idea that Brunhilde wanted to make him for the humans, even confronting her on that.

To Brunhilde, Buddha is just a horrible person. She says that he is the one with the most hatred for gods. He should, indeed, side with the humans.

They both try to manipulate each other, but it is clear that Buddha is steps ahead. Record of Ragnarok 45 will show Buddha acting on his will, not caring about anything.

Who are the seven gods of fortune?

Buddha’s opponent is the seven gods of fortune. Zeus, who is normally quite impulsive, quietly accepts Buddha’s betrayal. He is immune to the taunts from Buddha and quietly accepts the arrival of the Gods of Fortune. The announcer introduces Bishamonten.

However, there is a twist! In the mythologies, there is Lakshmi from India, Daruma from Japan. Actually there are 8 gods of fortune. We see the physical forms of 7, but there are 8. Even Jack the Ripper detected more in the last to last chapter. Record of Ragnarok 45 will show the combined power.

Bishamonten stands tall as the 6 other gods run into him.

Bishamonten to Bishamon (Mombisu) to Bishamonten (Monbijou Cloth Bag) to Salmon Bishoujo Cloth Bag Split Piece day to Vipassana Sky Bishonen BujinkanTenshu Tenshou Old Man Fortunat Longevity Daikoku Sky – an amazing transformation series! In the end, there stood Zero – the eighth god.

Buddha vs Zero?

Buddha had already made an enemy of Bishamon, even before he betrayed the gods. The anger is completely visible on Zero’s face. Both contestants are exceedingly tough. Buddha is strong, he is just – the reason being very simple. He is the pinaccle – just because he is Buddha.

Meanwhile, when the 7 gods of fortune merge into one, Zero brings chaos. Fortune doesn’t come with him – only disaster arrives. Heaven and Hell is shaken up by his presence. Zero is disgusted by Buddha and promises to kill him.

Record of Ragnarok Chapter 45 will have an amazing battle.

Share your views on the upcoming chapter in the comments down below and read our article on Attack On Titan Chapter 139 while you wait.