Requiem of The Rose King Hit by Tragedy After The Anime is Delayed to 2022

Sometimes reality is more “fantastical” than fiction itself; however, for the animated tale of Rose King and his Machiavellian rise to the throne, you might have to wait a bit more.

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The Requiem of the Rose King is a queer twist on the same Shakespearean tragedy of Richard III, set in the famous war of Roses where many royal houses vied to claim the British throne. After Studio JC staff helmed the anime project, the hype was through the roof until…

The official websiteof Aya Kanno’s Requiem of the Rose King anime recently announced that the anime adaptation has been delayed from Fall 2021 to January 2022 due to production reasons. 

The news comes as a setback after many were excited after the visual release and the announcement of the production staff. 

Though not many shows or even anime depict the difficulty faced by many LGBTQ+ individuals, this Requiem of the Rose King series has broken grounds by delving into the psychological aspects of trauma and isolation and the societal stigma surrounding being queer. 

The upcoming anime will give us insight into the war of roses that inspired many series, such as Game of Thrones. 

The anime follows Richard, whose mother disdains him as a monster because of his gender and is mistreated by others. He deals with internal strife and trauma along with social isolation. However, to prove himself, he sets on a path like no other. 

Gender-Diverse Requiem Of The Rose King Manga Receives TV Anime

From his rise to ultimately claiming the throne, we can watch his tale in the anime. 

Requiem of the Rose King Hit by Tragedy After the Anime is Delayed to 2022
Requiem of the Rose King | Source: Official Website

Additionally, if the delay means that there will be better quality and story, it’s worth it. However, that being the case, I still can’t wait for the tragedy to unfold in all its twisted glory!

About Requiem Of The Rose King

Requiem of the Rose King is a dark fantasy manga adaptation of Shakespeare’s Richard III. It is created by Aya Kanno and licensed by Viz Media. It debuted in October 2013 in the Monthly Princess magazine.

Richard is the third son of the House of York, and he believes himself to be cursed and damned since birth. His longings will determine his fate. What will the War of Roses bring for him?

Source: Requiem of the Rose King Official Website, Twitter

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