Second Life Ranker Chapter 139: Agares Vs Yeon-Woo! Who Will Win? Release Date & Plot

Since the one-month hiatus, fans have eagerly awaited Second Life Ranker Chapter 139. But it seems their wait is about to end! Yes, Chapter 139 is finally coming to the pages. Last time the story revealed a shocking fact about Jeong-Woo. Yeon-Woo found out that he has a niece, Sesha. His brother never disclosed it to anyone. Meanwhile, Ananta was taking care of her all this time! But things were looking grim for Brahm and Shesha as they fought against Agares. Will Yeon-Woo be able to save his niece? Here is all you need to know about Chapter 139 Release Date & Plot.

The next outing will be an epic showdown between Yeon-Woo and Agares. The Archduke asked him to put his niece to sacrifice. And in return, he will gift Yeon-Woo with strong powers. But much like his brother, Yeon-Woo refused the offer. Now he must face Agares’ wrath. What will Yeon-Woo do now? Keep reading to find out!

Second Life Ranker Chapter 139

Second Life Ranker Chapter 139: What Will Happen Next?

Chapter 139 will showcase Yeon-Woo’s powers in the battle against Agares. Much of this chapter will also focus on how Agares distinguishes Yeon-woo from his brother. Even Brahm is clearly able to tell between the two. Yeon-woo’s manner of speaking, abilities, and personality are way different than Jeong-woo’s. The two look the same and yet totally different. Meanwhile, Yeon-woo has vowed to protect his niece at any cost.

Will Yeon-woo win this battle? Only time will tell. But emotions will play a powerful role in the battle. Sesha has finally reunited with her only family. She will cheer him for the match. Meanwhile, Brahm will do his best to be a good supporter. But it seems Yeon-Woo is too confident of his powers. So maybe, he won’t need any backup. Agares is about to face the strongest enemy ever.

Second Life Ranker Chapter 139

Previous Chapter Recap!

Second Life Ranker Chapter 138 was all about surprises. The chapter started with Yeon-Woo learning that Jeong-Woo had a child. He also got to know that Viera Dune was the mother. However, she only experimented with her baby at Walpurgisnacht. Ananta was also a test subject at the facility. She couldn’t see all the horrors happening to a baby. So, one day, she ran away with the child. Ananta wanted to protect Sesha at all costs. Afterall, she loved Jeong-Woo. But it was one-sided.

Meanwhile, the witches were at wars with her. Thus, she gave the child to her father, Brahm, to look after. The story then revealed that Agares’ real purpose was to remove every trace of Jeong-woo. Enraged, Yeon-Woo quickly went towards the battlefield. Brahm was about to lose against Agares, but Yeon-Woo arrived in time. While Yeon-woo was unleashing his full force, the story left at a cliffhanger.

Second Life Ranker Chapter 139

Second Life Ranker Chapter 139: Release Date

Earlier, the author took a four-week break due to health issues. The last chapter came out back in October. Second Life Ranker Chapter 139 was predicted to come out on November 12, 2022. But sadly, it didn’t. There are no updates as of now. Besides, the four-week break is about to end.

So, fans can expect the chapter to release soon. However, we will notify you as soon as there is some news. Just keep checking back on this page. Meanwhile, fans can catch up on all the earlier chapters on the official pages of Webtoon, Naver, and Kakaopage. Stay tuned to The Anime Daily!