Soo Ah and Mia have found out about each other and in the upcoming Secret Class Chapter 139, we will see if we will see them together with Daeho.
We have also heard some news about a Secret Class anime getting announced soon, do check it out.
Mia is the eldest of all the sisters and thus she has more responsibilities on her shoulders. Soo Ah is the youngest but she has the same amount of duties towards Daeho.
Everyone in the family seems to think that Daeho is still a kid and wants to teach him the ways of adulthood. First, it was June, then Soo Ah, Mia, and even Jurie.

None of them know that Daeho is someone who has gained a lot of expertise and has been fooling around with all the women of the house. Soo Ah and Mia have found out about each other, but when will they find out about June?
The chapter when June finds out about Daeho having fun with other females in the house is soon to come and will surely break her heart.
Secret Class Chapter 139 Raw Scans
Soo Ah and Mia are surely going to have a fight between the two on who should Daeho be with. They both like Daeho and are sure to show their dominance over him.
To read what happens next, we will have to wait for the Secret Class raw scans first. We expect Secret Class 139 raw to be out by Thursday 4th August 2022 and will be available to read on the Toptoon website.
The scans are available to read in the Korean language, since most of the fans around the world don’t understand the language, the translations need to be published first.
English and French translations are the most read all over the world. But since the English translations take around 1-2 days to complete, you will have to wait a while before you get to read the English scans.
We expect them to be published by 6th August 2022.
Leveling with the gods chapter 60 and Legend of the northern blade chapter 131 is also going to be out very soon for fans to read.
Mia and Soo Ah Dynamic
They are sisters and both don’t talk much with each other. Soo Ah has been hiding in her room minding her own business for the longest period of time, not having many conversations with Mia.
Meanwhile, Mia is outgoing and is the elder of the siblings. Even though she is the elder sibling, Soo Ah has not been showing much respect toward her.
Now that both have found out about each other, how will their quarrel end? It seemed like things will get serious, but Daeho intervened.
Daeho came up with a very unique solution. He suggested that all three of them get engaged in the fun at the same time. How will the sisters react to this?
Mia surely teamed up with Jurie, but Soo Ah is her sister and this might not sound nice to her. So how will they respond? Secret Class Chapter 139 will show their reaction to Daeho’s suggestion.
The fans are very confused as to how Daeho has been getting away with all of his escapades even though he is an adult now. The next chapter will surely show us something interesting.
The Secret Class 139 raw is going to be out soon and we will share the spoilers here on Orianime soon for everyone to read.