Shadowverse Card Battle Game Receives Hilarious New Manga in November
Shadowverse, the popular card battle game turned anime series is here with a new surprise for otakus. After its hit 48-episode anime series, it was expected to return with some more, and it is finally delivering on fans’ expectations.
Cygames’ Shadowverse game will be receiving a manga adaptation in the November 15, 2021 issue of the Coro Coro Comics magazine.
What’s more? Not only will the manga cover the adventures and misadventures of the main crew, but it is also going to be a comedy series. Now, as a hardcore comedy lover, this is right up my alley.

The original Shadowverse game was designed in an anime style, and the factor had contributed to its anime adaptation later. So, now that all the characters have already been fleshed out, with a proper plot in the play, a manga adaptation is the logical next move.
The anime focused on Hiro, a middle schooler, and his adventures with the Shadowverse app. It is basically a Pokemon-style format where he meets friends, rivals, and battles in tournaments.

Will the manga follow the same plot as that of the anime, or will it be an original series? Either way, I am looking forward to how the card battles are depicted.
After the 2020 anime series, Shadowverse had also announced a second series called Shadowverse Flame. Flame won’t be a sequel but will continue with a completely new character as the protagonist.
Smartphone Game Shadowverse Announces Second TV Anime
Although the mangaka who will be working on the series isn’t revealed yet, I am hoping that it will have an eye-popping art style that will serve the series justice.
About Shadowverse
Shadowverse is a digital collectible card game that was created and released by Cygames, Inc. It was released in June 2016 as a free-to-play game for iOS and Android smartphones.
Hiro Rygasaki, a Tensei Academy student, is the protagonist of the anime. Hiro acquiring a smartphone under bizarre pretenses, with a digital card game “Shadowverse” installed, results in him encountering adversaries, competing in tournaments, and building friendships through the game.
Studio ZEXCS worked on its anime adaptation. Shogakukan’s Monthly Coro Coro Comic magazine will serialize the manga adaptation.
Source: Coro Coro Comics November issue
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