Shinobi no Ittoki Finale: Will Ittoki, Kotetsu, and Tokisada Die?

With every new episode, Shinobi no Ittoki’s plot becomes more compelling. The season’s final episodes have brought unexpected turns to the story. We hope the writers can deliver on the high hopes of the fans for the season finale.

Ittoki, Kotetsu, and Tokisada, three of the main characters in this anime, basically went on a suicide mission in episode 11 by trying to make contact with the Koga leader. I’m speculating on the characters’ futures, which is a risky business given how little we know about them at the moment. Now is the time to dive in.

All things considered, there is a chance that Ittoki and Kotetsu will survive the season finale. But if Tokisada does not survive, then perhaps Ittoki has finally faced reality.

What Can We Expect in Episode 12?

As the final episode of Shinobi no Ittoki approaches, high hopes have been built up among the show’s devoted audience. We saw Ittoki, Kotetsu, and Tokisada leave with the hidden Ninja scroll and go up against Kidou.

However, locating the clan chief would be no walk in the park. The series’ entirety has established that the Koga clan is extremely powerful, so Kidou is likely to be under heavy surveillance. It’s essentially a mission to one’s own death.

And even if they do manage to reach Kidou, there’s no telling whether he’d heed the new Iga Clan leader’s appeals, since Kidou’s ultimate goal has always been to eliminate the Shinobi.

Preview for Season 1’s Final Episode

A sneak peek at next week’s episode 12 shows the Kotetsu and Ittoki engaging in battle with the horde of Koga clan members, but the tone seems more lighthearted than anticipated.

Considering the severity of the situation, the trailer’s tone seems too light. Hopefully, this means the gang of three will be able to escape their current predicament.

Will the trio survive, or will someone perish?

If the three weren’t equipped with plot armor, they wouldn’t stand a chance. Even so, I have faith that Ittoki, as the protagonist, will make it through this ordeal unscathed.

Many viewers are hoping for a second season. Our main character must still be alive if there is to be a second season. Therefore, it’s likely that Ittoki will survive the mission.

One alternative is that the show will take a different turn and Ittoki will die, bringing peace to the Iga people at long last. However, the likelihood of this happening appears low.

To be honest, I don’t think the writers of Kotetsu would just kill her off like that. She would have a substantial part in the show’s second season, should one be made.

Among the main characters, Tokisada is the only one I see as having a significant chance of meeting an untimely demise. He is a close friend and confidant of Ittoki’s.

There’s a chance the writers will kill him off so Ittoki realizes Koga and Iga can’t live in harmony. This could be the basis for a plot in the upcoming second season.

Important plot points in episode 11!

Shinobi no Ittoki’s eleventh episode, “The Path with No Regrets,” featured several pivotal plot points. Ittoki has matured significantly and now has the stature and confidence befitting a clan leader.

He has made a monumental choice by entrusting the Koga family with the Ninja secret. He has only one requirement, and that is that the Iga Clan be allowed to govern themselves. However, it appears that a sizable fraction of the Iga population is against the plan.

Members of the Iga Clan are eager to remove their new leader because they disagree with his philosophy. To reveal the true traitor, Reiha, Kozo, Tokisada, and Ittoki were actually using this tactic.

Kozo unearths Ittoki’s scribbled notes. When he investigates further, he learns that the new clan leader has taken on the enormous task of facing Kidou alone in an effort to prevent widespread carnage.

He took the core Ninja secret with him, along with Tokisada and Kousetsu, to negotiate with the Koga clan leader.

Shinobi no Ittoki

TROYCA and DMM Pictures created the original anime series Shinobi no Ittoki. The plot revolves around ninjas, as the title of the series implies.

The plot follows Ittoki, a high school student who is targeted for assassination. Once he manages to save himself, he finds out that he is the heir to the Iga ninja clan. To avoid being killed by the Koga family, he must undergo rigorous training.